John David Pate-3years old

James Daniel Pate-3years old

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Handsome Little Men....if I do say so myself!!

Here are some pics from last week. Notice the Auburn helmet in the is Daddy's helmet from when he played at Auburn.

James Daniel is in white and John David is in blue! Even though it is so obvious to me who is who, some of my family requests that I "label" who is who...

I was hopeful we could get at least one good picture of them....I think we were successful!! I would love to have some family photos made of everyone together soon. I was really trying to wait until the boys were sitting up well. Anybody have any photographer (reasonably priced, remember we have a family of 7 to feed, we can't spend a fortune on a photographer) please let me know. We would love to use someone here in the Birmingham area. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!


SouthernDogwoods said...

Hey Dana! Yes, your boys are handsome! They look adorable!
Definitely check out Kim Davis - - she is awesome! She is located in Vestavia/Hoover. Tell her I sent ya!

roy/elisabeth dean said...

Oh MY GOODNESS! They are just getting tooooooo cute! I always thought they looked so much like Claire, but now they look like Ellie to me! They are just a perfect mixture of ALL of you, so they couldn't go wrong!
My niece is a Professional Photographer and I believe she is coming soon for a visit. I'll let you know for sure!

JW Photography said...

They are so handsome, and boy do they look like Rob!!! I have a photographer friend in the Birmingham area, her name is Stephanie Fisher. Her website is If I were in the area, I'd LOVE to do them for you...

Jamie said...

Hey Dana! The boys are getting so big, so Handsome, and they definietly look like football cuties! I have a friend who takes photos on the side, and she basically charges for her time and gives you all of the photos on a disc for you to print however you want. She charges about $25 and hour (or something reasonable like that). If you are interested, let me know and I'll give you her contact information.

Shannon said...

Dana, you can check out my photography page on my FB. . You have a beautiful family!!!

Melissa said...

these are TOO cute!!!!!! Warrrr Eagle to two future stars:-)