John David Pate-3years old

James Daniel Pate-3years old

Monday, March 1, 2010


James Daniel is a walking man now! He is totally cracking us up. The boy looks like a 6 month old walking around the living room. He is 21 pounds and officially walking. I am so amazed at these little guys every single day. Last night James took off from the middle of the living room floor and walked to the couch. Seriously, he stood straight up in the middle of the living room floor and started walking. I was in the floor taking clothes off hangers from my consignment sale Saturday. When I looked up and he made eye contact with me, I started laughing and he did too. It was a precious moment, kind of like he couldn't believe it and neither could I. Then it became a funny game where he would take off and walk really fast and then fall down laughing hysterically. Walk and fall down, stand back up, walk and fall down, over and over again. SO thankful for this precious moment of watching my miracle son walk for the first time. The little milestones we take so for granted with typical full term babies. Thank you God for the health and well being of this amazing little boy named James Daniel Pate. One more praise tonight, the boys both have started copying the motions to certain songs I sing to them. I will try to video soon. Whenever they are eating, I usually sing "Wheels on the Bus" or "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and show them the motions. Tonight, they both did "shhhh" sign with their finger and blew kisses when I sang "My friends on the bus wave bye bye bye, bye bye bye"...too funny that they blow a kiss when you tell them to wave bye bye.

1 comment:

SouthernDogwoods said...

Congratulations! What a big boy!