John David Pate-3years old

James Daniel Pate-3years old

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy 9th Birthday Ellie Bug!

Happy 9th Birthday
to our one and only...

"Ellie Bug"

Robust, rambunctious, really-really-really smart and talented;
Always searching for the fun in the 

Chowing down at Mt. FUGI..with her gymnastics teammates. 

Super special friendships right here. Ellie spends countless
 hours a a week with these sweet girls. They have such a bond together.

Gymnasts have MUSCLES...Lol.

Prepping for a handstand in the parking lot.

Sweet Frog! YUM!!!!

Ending the evening with a little gymnastics tumbling at a near by soccer field.

SO this sums up a great 9th birthday for Ellie Brooklyn Pate....

She is an amazing kiddo. We are so thankful for her uniqueness. Nobody could ever take her place or come close to filling her shoes. She is, and always has been, a kid who marches to her own beat. I think of a field of daffodils covering the ground and one tall, gorgeous purple lily standing broadly among the field of yellow....that is our Ellie!

We love you Ellie Bug and our family wouldn't be the same without you...

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