John David snuck into Claire's bed because when he came to my room, I told him to GO BACK TO HIS BED! hahahaha
Claire helping Jenna with her school work.
Mommy and Claire having quiet time at the YMCA pool reading together...
Nana babysiting during Claire's first football game.
Ellie with her amazing gymnastics coach...Bri Mitchell at Legacy gymnastics. I swear we could have been long lost sisters....
Jenna posing for her picture in the front yard.
Mommy and Ellie at the Galleria on our special date night....buying way too much Bath and Body Works..her favorite!
The boys playing peek a boo...John D hiding behind James.
Ellie playing with her spa kit...she was creating peppermint bath salt balls kitchen table will never be the same thanks to citric acid and baking soda.
First day of school....
Raise your hand if you are ready for the first day of school!! Meeeeeee!
Ellie's new pair of running shoes....she was running up and down the isle of Academy Sporting Goods shouting "oh yeah baby, I am a running girl!"
The boys jumping on Daddy screaming, "Wake up Daddy, Wake up NOW"
Hanging out with my beautiful Jenna Kathryn Sunday mornings!
I do believe my last post was the one where I said "good bye" to summer...yep, summer is officially over and we are in full swing of school and fall activities. It only took about 2 full weeks of our new routine before I felt TOTAL EXHAUSTION!
Here are some recent pics of our family, enjoying the simple things in life....
Claire loves 5th grade....she is doing great in her cheerleading this year, she has mastered her round-off backhand spring, she has met new bestfriends this year and seems to be thrilled with her teacher, Ms.Carr, she is hoping to become involved in the First Priority club this year in school, we are so very proud of the young lady she is becoming...
Ellie is enjoying 1st grade....she said having a teacher that is an Auburn fan is cool and it is awesome to get science at the end of the day. She also has decided to be a principal instead of a "toe nail worker"...haha...she made the pre-team gymnastics team at Legacy and is working her tale off each week...we are all so proud of her.
Jenna is little miss princess around here and I guess always will be. She is so funny "taking care of eveyone" at her school. She is the oldest this year, along with her buddy Cannon (who started at the same time with Jenna when they were 4 months old) and she tells me that every single day she has to show him how to do his work beacuse he wants to play all the time...He will sit for hours and draw, color, paint.
James Daniel is a teensy bit obsessed with the arts and music...very definite interest in creating and building things. He loves pizza and chocolate milk. Ms. Joan at school reports that James is a very good listener and seems to be very aware of what is going on around him. When I picked him up last Monday, I said, "Hey buddy how was your DAY?" and he said, "I like Monday!"....LOl...I couldn't believe he said "Monday" and it was really Monday! He has since been singing the 'days of the week' song and pointing to a big board book we have at home (just like they do at school...too funny)
John David loves to ride his bikes outside. Driving home late a few nights ago, he asked to ride his bike when we got home. After telling him repeatedly that is was too dark, he said, "No mommy, I no want you to say that anymore, it not too dark, I ride my bike faster.." He also loves waffles and must push down the waffles every single morning and watching them "pop it"...
We are settling into our new school/cheerleading/gymnastics/church/training runs/homework/etc.. weekly routine and I am secertly glad August is over. For me, the adjusting to the new routine is needed but very challenging at the same time.
I will update more details of what the boys are saying and doing later. For now, I am going to finish laundry for my family of 7.....TIMES 7 DAYS OF THE WEEK1
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