Visiting Daddy at work...we always enjoy the sweet treats that the ECA office has in their kitchen!
BOys hanging out with Nana while Mommy was in the chiropractor's office getting adjusted...
The boys first visit to Jesse's Place (women and children's homeless center)
We absolutely love taking donations downtown to these sweet ladies. They are always so appreciative. Our girls ask to go all the time. Great life lesson for them too!
We are officially done with summer. I would say that I am sad about that, but truthfully, I am excited to start a knew school year with my family. The kids are ready too I think. Claire secretly told me the other day that she really was ready to return to school and start "normal" days again...hahah, tell me she isn't a reflection of her mother....LOl!~ Ellie has read 5 Magic Tree House books this past week (yes, that is one book per day, and they have about 10 chapters a book...she is def. not 'normal'...but what a smart kiddo!) And even Jenna asked me a few days ago if she could read to me because she needed to show Mrs. Joan her 'smarts'....haha!
We have had the most remarkable summer. Of course it blasted by entirely too fast, but our memories from summer 2011 are rich. Our children have enjoyed vacations and the lazy, sweet days of summer to the fullest. This last week of summer will be devoted to 'getting ready' for school. We have haircuts and tennis shoes on the 'to-do list'. Claire will be in 5th grade (so hard to even believe!!!) Ellie will be in 1st grade, Jenna and the boys will return to Joan Brock's house for another blessed year of learning and playing.
Here a some pictures from the last two weeks of "summer" for the Pate kids!
Swimming, and sharing sweet!
She is getting way to big...btw!
"I eat my thucker (aka sucker)"...they LOVE suckers!
"I ride my bike"....we hear this at least 10 times a day...he is addicted..seriously!
Princess Jenna with Prince Caspian....these two always ride in the pink Mustang. James always drives and Jenna always rides....too cute!
Mommy's Classroom!
Dressing Up for Mommy's massage!
Painting pictures for our bedrooms!
Lazy summer morning, reading books on the couch...doesn't last long though, because the 'lazy' part only works for about 1 hour..then it is time to GO!'s just the BEST!
Powedered doughnuts....such a rare thing in our home..but oh such a yummy treat when we do have them:-)
The boys' first big movie and the Rave Movie Theater...they watched Narnia...and they watched the entire movie from start to finish...not kidding. I was shocked...only got up for potty break once. Ate mint Oreos and Cheeto balls!
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