But tonight he pulled up to his feet. I didn't even see it. I was in the kitchen for a quick second and when I turned the corner he was holding himself up with ONE HAND...I just laughed and said to myself...he is gonna be like his momma...BUSY!!! Maybe he will run marathons with me one day:)

Jenna...aka Cinderella!
Ellie...aka Ariel!
Claire...aka Gertrude (GRANNY)
Family picture...Love taking family pics together...
Cutest baby frogs I have ever seen..don't ya think?? James is on the left and John David is on the right...in case you couldn't tell...
I have already mentioned in a previous post of how thankful I am for these baby boys each day as this time of the year reminds me so much of our journey last year. Tonight, I had moments of wanting to tear up just looking at these boys dressed up, so healhty and big..thriving so wonderfully. I wonder if every Halloween I will think back to the Halloween I was pregnant with the boys, trying to go about life as normally as possible, all the while with an extremely heavy heart worrying minute by minute whether the babies I carried inside of me would die. All I could do was pray to God what seemed like every single second of every single day. I am sure I will always think back to that time, and thank God for the blessing He gave us. I just don't feel that I even deserve the blessing of life God has given us in these miracles. I am just so grateful for their lives and I have such a love and joy in my heart watching them grow and learn each day.
Halloween day was filled with NAPS and REST TIME since it RAINED all day, cooking taco soup, making chocolate cupcakes with BLUE icing and sprinkles (thank you Ellie Pate) to share with family and friends that were coming to trick or treat with us. Daddy watched football most of the day and the girls and I spent time in the kitchen...pretty typical!
We shared our Halloween night with family and friends. Mamaw came over for pictures and playtime. Uncle Phillip and Aunt Katy came over as well with my nephew Sam. The Thomas family also joined us for trick or treating. Cole, Emma Kate, Jameson, Claire, Ellie, Jenna, James, John David and Sam...yep..that is NINE kids all under the age of NINE! The kids had a blast and of course ended up with a ridiculous amount of candy! They will have ONE week to enjoy ONE piece a day and then it will all magically disappear.
The Thomas kids, Emma Kate and Cole, with our girls..heading out to trick or treat!
Mamaw with her "grandbabies"
Aunt Katy and cousin Sam with the girls..
Uncle Phillip and Jenna...this was a sweet picture because as soon as Jenna saw him, she ran to him, jumped in his arms and gave him big loves:)
Such a big boy! I can not believe he is pulling up already!
Cutest little frogs I have ever seen!
Happy Halloween!
How ADORABLE! Your kids always have the CUTEST costumes! You have such an incredibly beautiful family!(I have to say here that Rob scared me! I have nightmares about that scream character!).
I can't believe how the boys have grown.....pulling up already? I remember last year when we were talking about going to Darlene's for Thanksgiving and Katy told me that you were put in the hospital. Our nightly prayers for Roy turned into nightly prayers for Dana and the babies.
Love your pictures! And I would be remiss if I didn't say that Katy is about the cutest little curly haired black cat I've ever seen!
Happy November!
Hi, I have just forund your blog today and I too have mono mono twins! Lily and Iris just turned 2 and are healthy and growing fast. We thank God everyday for our girls and are reminded that he alon is in control of our lives and his plan is bigger than we can understand. May God Bless your family!
What a cute family! Love the boys costumes~ just found your blog and thought I'd say Hi! Stop by and say hello! Jamie
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