I have another request for prayer as well. My stepmom's little grandson, Hayden, has been having seizures and the doctors are running lots of tests and he is now on new medication. This time is very scary for our family, especially Hayden's mom, Cindy. So please keep Cindy and baby Hayden in your daily prayers. Hayden was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy about a year after he was born. He has done remarkably well with the challenges he has had to face so far. Cindy works so hard to provide the best for Hayden. She is a young momma and needs lots of prayer right now for him (and for her as well).
The Pate brood is doing well. We are all super excited about our summer. We enjoyed a beautiful Memorial Day yesterday with great friends and family. The kids are looking forward to our visit to Utah in a couple of weeks and our beach vacation as well. The girls are planned for a spend the night party tomorrow night...ALL girls, no daddy or brothers...just Mommy and 9 girls! The BEST perk this summer, so far would be the boys are now POTTY TRAINED...whoooo hoooo....I wasn't even going to attempt that nightmare until this summer, but two weeks ago they asked for 'panties' so we tried for a weekend and SUCCESS! I am so pumped. They were not hard at all to train. I had always anticipated trying to train two, and two BOYS at that, would be horrible. I was pleasantly surprised. Here is a pic of two precious bums in undies!
Here are a few pictures from our swim party yesterday.
1 comment:
Your children are precious! I am praying for Shelley and her boys, I hope everything continues to go even better than she ever anticipated. Hope ya'll have a wonderful summer!!
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