John David Pate-3years old

James Daniel Pate-3years old

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Doesn't matter how long and hard my days have been, when I end my night with these precious smiles and hear them laugh and giggle, I am filled with such joy!

I will update Thursday after the boys have their 6 month check up with Dr. Darby. I am anxious to see their weight gain and look at the charts to see how well they are "catching up"... We are so full of praise that God has continued to keep them safe and healthy.

Now how can you watch that video and not smile. Remember where they came from..God himself sent these little miracles to us and they have a story. We will share with the world forever the goodness of God and how gracious He is. I try to share their story with at LEAST one stranger a day! I still stand in awe each morning I awake with them, purely healthy and thriving. I will never forget the day I was told they had a 30% of surviving. Look at these boys now, healthy and strong and only because God has allowed it.

1 comment:

SouthernDogwoods said...

Dana, that video of your beautiful, smiling, happy & healthy boys is absolutely adorable! Definitely put a smile on my face!
PS. Looked at your last post - girl, give me some workout advice - you look GREAT!