War Eagle!

Here is a picture of our little "war eagle men"..We went to visit Daddy at a golf tournament he played in, honoring Lifeline Adoption Agency. It was a great time for Daddy to play golf with some Auburn Greats and also raise money for a wonderful cause.

John David- aka Fats Boy (Ellie named him that one)

Mister James Daniel hanging out in his carseat while the girls play and Mommy waters flowers.

This picture is funny because for two reasons, first Jenna is "breast feeding" again (although this time she said her baby was breast feeding juice..hahah! Not sure where she got that one from...and also because Ellie and Jenna are both wearing their pj's and it is like 4pm in the afternoon. Terrible mom, can't even get my kids dressed in the day!!!

Wagon rides are always fun. Today we were pretending to travel to an island on a boat and the wagon was our boat. The girls were rushing to get there before the island bad guys showed up to capture their babies. I love having imaginative kids, they keep me entertained!
Summer is going well (all except for the BROKEN ARM...my poor Ellie bug!) It has been a challenge to occupy everyone and keep the peace when I feel that we can't participate in the "typical" summer fun activities. Most things we do during the summer (swim, trampoline, bikes, park) are excluded for Ellie. SO I feel bad~ But, we are making the best of it and Ellie amazes me with her positive, outgoing personaity. She doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that her entire arm is casted and she isn't allowed to do the normal, fun summer activities. She hasn't complained at all (except for the "tickles that are inside and can't come out"..hahah) Children are so resilent, we really can learn a lot from our kids when we stop and really pay attention.
The boys are amazing me daily as well. They are now sleeping from about
10:00pm-7:00am and I must say it is purely WONDERFUL! They are now eating cereal and babyfood daily. Both boys are also no longer in their "wraps" (the sleeping, swaddle blanket that we once wrapped them up tightly in to sleep). They are also now is size 2 diapers..which seems crazy to me, I still distinctively remember them wearing diapers the size of my hand. I try my best to enjoy all the little stages along the way with these guys. I know the time will pass so quickly. The boys are scheduled for their 6 month check up on the 24th of this month. I can't wait to see what their weights will be. I think at least 13 and 14 pounds. >
Also, I want to thank you all for praying for my dear friend Catie Rusch who had the identical twin boys 3 weeks ago (8 weeks early). The boys are doing well and continue to grow and thrive. She is anxiously awaiting their homecoming, so please continue to pray for safety and health for both Timothy and John David. In case you haven't been to her blog yet, it is www.johndavidandtimothy.blogspot.com
Lastly, I want to ask you all to remember my sweet friend Mika in your daily prayers. She is now at the same point in her current pregnancy that she delivered Layha (23 weeks) and this upcoming week is the anniversary of her death. Mika is the true picture of a devoted Christian with an amazing faith and hope in our Mithy God. I know that these weeks she is currently battling through are incredibly hard...can't even imagine what her heart feels like. But if you would please pray for her and baby Luke (he is due in August) I would appreciate it and I know she would too. Her blog is www.preciouspromisesofhope.blogspot.com and if you would like uplifting and a daily devotional to start your day with, you should visit her site.
Hope everyone is doing well. The Pate's are so thankful for our good days (health and love and a happy family) and we thank you all who have supported us and prayed for us thorughout our journey with the boys.
I can not believe how big your boys have gotten! Love those big, happy smiles! Your summer days sound like our - sometimes we love to stay in our pajamas until 4 too! We should try and have a play date soon!
The boys are getting so big(WOW 6 months)...and the girls are all jsut beautiful. Where did you get such cute pillowcase dresses for the girls? SUPER CUTE Family!
You are too sweet. I'm so in awe of you being able to nurse those precious, miracle boys, while juggling the girls!
We went to the cemetery on Layah's birthday, June 2nd, and I took one of the calla lilies. On the 8th (the day she went to be with the Lord) we went back, to let Tobi let go of the balloon we'd left for her birthday. It was deflated, so I told Tobi we'd do it another time.At the end of the day, he said something so sweet. We were talking about how on Tuesday we celebrated her birthday with our family, and on Monday, we celebrated her birthday into heaven. Tobi said, "Mama, do you think Jesus made her a cake?" It was so precious. I'm 23 weeks tomorrow. I SOOO appreciate your prayers and support. Thank you so much for your card and gift card, you made me cry. I feel like I need to be getting you gift cards for dinner, to save you some cooking! I love you girl! Keep those prayers coming, because I feel them!
I Love, love, LOVE their AUBURN clothes!
The boys are getting so big, and the girls are just getting more beautiful.
How is Ella feeling?
I've tagged you over on my blog. It isn't hard...I know you are a VERY busy Mommy, but you'll be able to do this in just seconds. :)
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