We celebrated Jenna's birthday this past weekend. She will be three on April 5th. She had a magnificent time playing with her best buddies. It is wonderful to see the excitement and surprise on your little ones face as they get to be princess for the day. The morning of her party she woke up extremely early and started having a typical two year old meltdown moment (at like 6 am!) and I was preparing for a VERY busy day with taking kids to friends' houses, to and from ballpark for cookouts and games, needing to pick up cupcakes and balloons...yada yada! SO, as Daddy was pulling off to go to work til 12pm, I just had to call in back up! My mom and mother-in-law came to the rescue. Mamaw took Jenna for the day and my mom ran around from point A to point B to help me gather all the "stuff" for the party. Ya know, if everyone could go without eating, napping and being entertained all day...it would make for a much easier day...haha!
But what a joyous day we had together as a family. The weather was absolutely a blessing in itself..gorgeous (70 degrees..with a tad bit of wind, but beautiful nonetheless).
Claire also had a softball game on Saturday. She did a terrific job too. Two doubles and a home run! Way to go Claire!
Our weekend was filled with laughter and love and even a little bit of chaos (which is standard now in our family) but memories to remain forever...
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