This is part of Ellie's take home papers from school. This is the four's chain she is learning, but the reason I wanted to post it, was because of what I noticed around the the top in the right hand corner, it says, "I love you Jenna" with hearts drawn around it and then on the bottom, it says, "I hop (hope) your leg gets beter (better)" which is also written to Jenna and then she signs her name in cursive (too sweet and really cute).
Jenna showing off her muscles..
Playing at the park!
Jenna eating lunch with her buddy, Nathan Mullinax
Ellie "flying" through the castle, escaping from the ugly Troll who wants to steal the princess fairy's magical hair.
Ellie playing at the park!

John David enjoying his sprinkle cookie from Publix

The employees at Publix really are exceptionally nice. It is so much more pleasurable than shopping at Wal-Mart..even if you do have to pay a little more for your groceries. was such a gorgeous weather day. Jenna said, "Prwaise the Lorwd" and Ellie said, "Amen"..

Shopping at Target for Mommy a swimsuit...HAH! I should know better..totally frustrating experience, the swimsuit and the kids:=)

Ellie before gymnastics class

John David happy about the "van picnic"

Claire studying SAT review worksheets (with her Ray Bans on of course)

Story Time at the "big rock" at Heardmont Park.
I wanted to document our "ordinary" day. I received a message from a faithful friend of four little boys, two of which are miracle twins like ours. Brooke posted on her blog a video of a woman describing what life is like AFTER her little kids became big, and independent and one day didn't need her so much. They grow up fast and her video sealed it for me.
I have tried to really take a step back and savor the simple little "ordinary" things in my day. This morning, I smelt John David a little longer under his yummy baby lotion scented neck, and held James a little longer while he was smiling at me saying "mama" and cuddled with Jenna a little longer on the couch when she first woke up. Then Jenna and I ate Peanut Butter Vanilla Wafers for breakfast...cause it sounded yummy to us!
Yesterday, I wanted to complain about being stuck in the van with four little kids while the biggest kid had softball practice, instead I read stories to the kids and we enjoyed a "van picnic" of Chick Fil A.
We spent the past two days at the park for at least an hour, sprawled out on a huge rock nestled underneath the big oak trees at Heardmont Park, Jenna and I listened to Ellie read "Snowy Day" by Ezra Jack Keats. Fed the boys sprinkle cookies from Publix and took pictures of them riding in the "car buggy"...and my most proud moment of "enjoying the ordinary day" would be today as I was leaving Target at FIVE with FIVE little kids, both boys had major poops (I am trying to change them in the van with the doors open, wind blowing at an insane rate) with Jenna wailing in the back of the van (because she has not had a nap) and Ellie crying because she wanted to buckle Jenna in and Jenna said "NO LEAVE ME ALONE!" and Claire was tempting to whine about not wanting to go the YMCA (because that is where we were headed next)----I actually just laughed and tilted my head to Heaven and said, "Thank you my sweet Jesus, my ever so loving Father for granting me this life. I love these children more than my own self by far and I try my best every single day. I hope to have these memories to look upon one day when all these little babies have grown up into the amazing, unique, talented, God loving-fearing individuals and I desire to honor you with my life and theirs...AMEN"
This is a cute picture of the boys at the end of our day, in the parking lot of the YMCA, nursing in the front seat of the van, waiting on Daddy to arrive:)
1 comment:
you are an amazing mother and person. you always give me inspiration and encouragement. may the lord continue to bless you and your family. thanks for your blog. i always love the posts about regular days and how you capture the moments.
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