John David Pate-3years old

James Daniel Pate-3years old

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Planting Seeds..hopefully to produce FRUIT

My goal this summer was to soak up all that summer has to offer; swimming, sleeping late, visiting friends, movies, painting and creating, parks, just playing til dark! Then I also had hopes of teaching my children some valuable life lessons (cause that just happens naturally each day you spend 12 hours together) but learning the books of the Bible was at the top of my "summer to do list" and we have (I am shamed to admit) not completed it.

So, we are working hard on it. The big girls obviously learn at a quicker pace than Jenna, but nonetheless, we are ALL learning together.

One more full week of summer before we kick off the "new school year"...lots of emotions arousing...EXCITEMENT AND ANXIETY all wrapped up in one!

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