This picture is so cute becasue they were totally fighting over this toy. James was being rather vocal and kind of yanking it from John David.
My computer crashed last week so I haven't been able to update until tonight (thanks to my generous mother who let me borrow her laptop!)
The Pate crew is doing great this week. We had some really good drama two weeks ago though. The boys got croup two weeks ago. Monday night (rather Tues. morning 4am) we had to take John David to the ER because he was struggling to breathe..sounded like he was suffocating....very scary. We had tried all the "old tricks", steamy shower, walking outside, even standing in the freezer door! Nothing worked and he had been really retracting with his chest for several hours. In the ER they gave him two breathing treatments that didn't work so we spent the entire day and that night in Children's Hospital. To say that I am one thankful momma to be back home with two healthy happy little boys is a complete understatement. I cannot imagine "living" there like so many families do. I met a lady as I was leaving that told me she had twins 4 years ago and they come and go quite a bit there. She said her twins were born at 32 weeks and had multiple surgeries the first year of thier lives. I told her our boys were born at 2 and a half pounds and have been incredibly healthy so far. She told me I was very lucky and I told her I was just super blessed. I don't discount the boys' health in any way. I know each day I wake up to healthy, growing, thriving, happy boys that it is just the undeserving goodness and grace from God alone that blesses us with it all.
Rob and I also celebrated our 10 year anniversary last weekend. Thanks to my mom and mother-in-law,we were able to enjoy a beach weekend together without kids. It was wonderful to spend a couple of days together and we really enjoyed it. We have been through quite a lot together in our 10 years of marriage. When I think back to the day we wed, I am flooded with emotions. Such love and admiration for my husband. Such pride in what God has blessed us with. We have a love like no other, it is not even describable. We are the best of friends, perfect companions for one another and I really couldn't imagine living life without him... we have been together 17 years this upcoming October. Which means we have been together longer than we haven't been together. We are 30 years old and have been a part of each others lives for 17 of them...I am proud of my husband. I am thankful for my husband. I know how blessed I am to have him in my life.
Everyone is healthy and well and we are so thankful. Summer is winding down and the girls are getting excited for school to start. I am so incredilby thankful I made the decision to keep the boys home this first year. After our experience with our first "cold", and ending up in the hospital, it all confirmed for me that I am definietly doing the right thing by keeping them home. It is not even "sick season" and we ended up in the ER with respiratory problems from something as simple as croup. I thank my husband for his incredible support in allowing me to stay home this upcoming year.
I will update the prayer request tomorrow. I am super tired right now. It is 12;15 and I have to be up early in the morning.
Good night all!
We've been having computer problems too-I never realized just how much time I DO spend on the computer until I was without internet service. LOL
Glad that the croup is better and that y'all are doing well!
Happy anniversary! Being married to a best friend ROCKS!!
Ugh-school. I'm not psyched for it just yet but I'm waking up in the middle of the night thinking of stuff I need or want to do. I go back a week from Tues. And our kids start on the 10th. Where did summer go? :)
That is so weird that we both had one of our boys in the ER for the same thing at the same time!! Glad John David is better -- did you have to do treatments at home? How long did it take for him to get all better? Adam is doing TONS better, eating, sleeping, and acting fine; but we're still giving him breathing treatments with an inhaler at home several times a day for mild wheezing... it's just a nasty, aggressive cold. Whatever happened to summer being "well season"??
So glad you & Rob had such a nice celebration! Congrats on 10 years.. that is awesome.
Sometime when we come through bham on our way to Auburn, I'd love to stop and get together... I'll be in touch about that.
Have a good day!!
Wow, your house IS always full of drama. Yeah, definitly a wise idea to keep the boys home this upcoming year. I know with Tobi, living back and forth at Children's Hospital from age 15 months til almost 5 years on the pulmonary floor on room confinement for the first several days of each admission- with a tot that's on medication that makes him hyper- is no fun. I know the Lord will continue to bless you and Rob for many more decades. Yes, having your spouse as your best friend is the best. Thank you SO much for your continued prayers for Luke, as we expected in faith, they are working! Love you!
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