Softball season is underway, so we spend quite a bit of time at the "ballpark"

God granted us a gorgeous day of play Saturday afternoon. It was 65 degrees and the kids and Rob and I stayed outside and played all afternoon.

Saturday evening the girls and I prepared a homemade veggie lasagna. It was so yummy and the girls were thrilled to help "tear up the mushrooms" and "smear the spinach on the noodles"..they really become excited to help out in the kitchen, and even though it would be so much easier and faster for me to just do it myself, I take the extra time to let them help out as much as possible because it is special time I am able to spend with my girls. I know one day, we'll look back on these days and laugh as we remember Jenna eating raw mushrooms and purple onion while Ellie gagged at the scent of creamed spinach and Claire and I snuck jelly beans with waiting for the sauce to cook. Thank you Lord for these sweet family times.

Typical weekday morning. Jenna and I have "learning time" until the boys wake up (usually around 9am) and then after breakfast, we play in front of the window..warm and cozy by the heater vent and the sunshine beaming through the window.

Typical weekday night. After supper, the kids love to play on Daddy in the floor. Here is a picture of FIVE kids playing on top of Daddy's back.
We are thankful everyone has been healthy and well lately. The boys are thriving and growing up so fast. We are working really hard (or shall I say I am working really hard) at weaning them from the breast to a cup. Funny side note here..these little stinkers won't drink out of ANY SIPPY CUP..we have tried all the sippy cups Wal-Mart has to offer, however, they will drink out of a standard cup with no top. Of course, this doesn't make "drinking out of a cup" very convenient for me, but I guess the goal is drinking from a cup and that seems to be how they will drink it, without a top!
James is days away from walking. John David is not too far behind him. They are cruising really well. Letting go and taking steps from one object to another. They have recently learned "what the tiger says"..and we are trying to work on other animal sounds. Both boys have totally figured out how to bite...EVERYONE that is, their sisters, me and Daddy, the YMCA ladies.
Thanks for checking in with the Pate Gang..we are all doing wonderfully and are grateful for God's great blessings in our days.
So glad to hear you all are doing well! I can not believe your boys are close to walking soon. Great pictures of your sweet family!
Hey Dana,
It was so good to see you guys for a minute on Saturday! I love hearing the updates and seeing your beautiful family!
Thanks for sharing! Working on the weaning thing too, cups not going so well. =o)
beautiful updates and i love the photos that are just capturing a day-in-the-life-of...this is life and it is a blessing.
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