John David waiting in the doctor's office for Dr. Darby to figure out what was wrong with him....

John David diagnosed with pneumonia. High fever, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargic, no appetite, cough and congestion....HE WAS PITIFUL! Blood work, chest xray and a big ole antibiotic shot left him feeling like CRAP!

The first of several blowouts my little buddy had during the week of sickness....horrible...this one was in the Subway parking lot. He kept saying, "Ow Momma, boo boo, ow Momma!"

Going to bed after taking another bath and changing pj's AGAIN...he was pathetic. No smiles, no eating, no drinking, no laughing, no play...just laying around like a sick dog:(

YAY...48 hours post antibiotic....FEELING SO MUCH BETTER...lots of smiles and laughter...

Here I am after my weekend race in Prattville. I absolutely love how God showed up and spoke to me through a church marquee....I spent the entire week post injury trying to figure it all out...what to do, what I had done, why this had happened, what I needed to change to 'fix' myself..etc. And of course I GOOGLED everything...more than a few time...I am a little bit OCD on Google looking for answers to questions. Anyway, after the race I walked back to our van and looked up to find this sign...seriously a sign but also a "sign"...God had my answers, Google did not. I ran the Prattvill half with no pain, my slowest finishing time ever (1hr 46min.) and placed third in my division....:-) Thankful is not a bold enough word to use to explain how I felt afterwards. Completely overwhelmed with gratitude for the grace that was shown to me from my Heavenly Father...In case you can't see it clearly, the sign above me says, "THERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS THAT CAN'T BE ANSWERED BY GOOGLE"....

My precious, sweet running friends Tammy and Ellie. So grateful God crossed our paths.

Third Place....could have won the entire women's division with my normal pace/time had I not been injured...but that is okay, God is teaching me through this valuable trial....

Now it is James Daniel's turn to be pitiful. Here we are at Children's South (after hours clinic) waiting on blood work and xray...the nurse didn't believe me that he was going to have pneumonia too. She said, "I understand that his brother has it, but really I think James will just have a virus...." WHATEVER, I knew he would have it. SAME symptoms to an exactness. Oh yeah, one difference...James had spots in his left lung and John David had the bacterial spots in his right lung....hahaha

Waiting on results. Listening to T-Wills "Tiger Walk"...James calls the song the "Man Song"...he loves it, dances and sways back and forth when hearing it on my ipod.

And lastly, here is John David on his Children's Hospital visit to diagnose his hydrocele (originally thought he might have emergency hernia surgery) but thankfully it turned out that he had a hydrocele. Fluid leaked from his abdomen throughout the tiny opening that would be considered the hernia spot and it drained into his boy parts....ewwww...he says, "Ow Momma, I boo boo, ow Momma"....and of course me being the Mom of three girls and never seeing these 'boy parts', I assumed he was "growing"....I had no idea he had a collection of fluid building up down there....

He was super happy about riding the wagon to ultrasound....
WHEW...WHAT A WEEK....I am hoping for a much milder week mentally. I am purely exhausted from the last two weeks my running injury, double kid pneumonia, stomach virus(I forgot to mention I had a stomach bug after I ran 13 miles Saturday) and the hernia scare middle of the week....
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