I'll take you through step by step.
1. Daddy napping. ( I will wake him once the girls are all up and dressed and ready)
2. Claire and Ellie dressing themselves, I'm feeding James. John David is sleeping.
3. I finish James, go up stairs to wake Jenna, get her dressed and settled at the table (locked in her seat..hahah) to have snack.
4. I return to the boys to feed John David. Change James' diaper and snuggle him in his car seat.
5. Finish up feeding John David. Wake up Rob. Change John David and snuggle him in his car seat.
6. Jenna is finished destroying her snack bar, give her a wet paper towel bath and put her socks and shoes on.
7. Brush out Claire and Ellie's hair, check they have clean hands and face, send them to the van.
8. Grab a baggie of gold fish for the road and pack up the diaper bag.
9. Remind Rob to wake up because we are leaving NOW!
10. Dress myself (sweats and t-shirt) brush my hair and teeth (first time today) and put on my shoes.
11. Rob heads down to the van with Jenna.
12. I grab the trash, diaper bag, purse; turn off lights and we are heading to the van.
13. And we're off...driving down Hwy 11 (3 miles in) Jenna says, "Mommy, I need to potty!" We'll of course you do honey..I forgot to take her to potty after her nap! AHHHHH!
14.Gas station stop, take Jenna to potty.
15. On the road again.
16. Arrive at the furniture store.
17. Everyone out and inside...Hold hands, don't touch, be quiet and respectful.
18. I couldn't find the table I was in search of (quickly) so we proceeded to the back to "look in catalogs".
19. Here is the challenge: Keeping the girls quiet and calm while we looked through a catalog for the table I wanted. Yea right..that lasted about 2 min. Jenna was trying to take off BY HERSELF through the store, Ellie and Claire wanted to flip through the same book and started arguing over the book. Rob needed to go to the restroom, I was just ready to find the table and be on our way.
20. 10min. later the young man helping us said, "Let's look on-line, it will be faster"...Great! let's do that!
21. We find the table on-line, Rob handles the arrangements while I have "story time" on the sofa with the girls. (side note: for those of you who don't know me well, story time is my way of keeping my girls quiet and engaged so there isn't so much chaos...it works great!
22. Story time over, table purchased, Pates are out the door!
23. Travel back home (watching Punkey Brewster) and we made it...(sigh)!
24. Total time: 3:30pm-5:30pm
So it is final...my dear husband booked our plane tickets for our summer vacation for our family. We are scheduled to fly to Utah June 9th to visit the Howas (my dad's side of the family) and also to run the Bear Lake marathon. (I knew I would get him hooked on running..hahah!) Booking the plane tickets was quite comical to say the least. First of all, we had to make two separate reservations in order to get our whole family on the plane. Reservations can only be made for a maximum of 6 people and we have a family of 7 now! Rob's mom and Dad (Mamaw and Papa) are joining us on the trip so we were able to book John David with them. We are looking forward to our trip. The girls are absolutely giddy about flying to "Becky and Rosie's house" (side note: for those of you who don't know, my dad is called Becky by the girls. It started with Claire when she was 18 months old as we were trying to get her to say Grampie...Becky came out instead and she hasn't changed it since)
Precious Angels...These are the angel outfits my best buddies in Auburn gave me. Thanks Valerie, Noelle, and Tanya...yall are the best!

War Eagle Babies! These are the Auburn outfits a great friend from college, Phala, sent the boys. Her mom made them. They are one of my favorite outfits we received.

John David


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