AHHHHHH! I just woke up at 6:30 am and the last time I was awake was last night at 11:30pm....Of course I jumped up out of the bed in a delirious state (probably due to an over abundance of sleep at one specific time) and sprinted over to see the boys.....they were snuggled up sound asleep together. PLEASE LORD let this be a pattern. If they were to start sleeping all night I could actually become a functioning person again during the day. Imagine all I could do with a full nights sleep!
Yesterday the boys got their 2 month shots. OUCH! It was pitiful but they did great. Screamed initially and then by the fourth shot, they had calmed down and back to sleep in the car seat! I had planned on giving them some Tylenol after we arrived back home but the nurse said they don't generally give Tylenol to a baby less than 6 pounds. So I decided against the Tylenol, thinking to myself that it was going to be a LONG night with two screaming babies. So least to say, I am shocked that these little stinkers slept all night after FOUR shots yesterday afternoon.
By the way, I haven't slept that much in MANY months. Probably since early Fall. Definitely not since before I went to the hospital mid November.
SO hopefully we'll have a good day of happy babies. I am going to call the doctor today for James' liver function test results. Will post them as soon as I know something. I am a bit nervous about that, be praying for his little liver to be functioning properly. We are scheduled next Friday to meet with a pediatric surgeon to discuss their hernias. Other than that we seem to be doing great, just growing and thriving. It is such an amazing miracle to witness these little guys. I am in awe of them each day. God has been so graciously good to us and them. Thank you for your continued prayers for these special babies. Other than
YAY!!!! What a nice surprise! Our girls did not start sleeping through the night until they were 3 mos. old. And I remember waking up in a panic but relieved to find them sleeping (just like you described). What sweet boys!!!
Dana, they are more beautiful every time you post new pictures. I can't wait to hug and squeeze them.
Sleep... what a wonderful thing! It is amazing what all we can face and do if we just have a good night's sleep... praying for many more good nights of sleep for all of you!
I am so glad things are going so well, please call or email me if you need anything. Are you going to come to the BAMOM consignment sale? If so look for me, I will be there working!
Dana-the boys are so precious. I'm glad I saw you the other night. Can't wait to hold those little guys!-Lauren
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