One year ago today, God blessed us in such a miraculous way. James and John David were delivered at 4:11 pm on December 11, 2008. We couldn't have even imagined the joy these two little miracles would bring our family. They are here and thriving wonderfully all because so many amazing people prayed for them. I told my stepmom, Rosey, this morning that a year ago we were thrilled that they "survived" to be delivered, but we didn't know what the future would hold for them as far as their health was concerned. Well, God has once again faithfully delivered our prayer request. These little men are growing and developing better than expected. Our family truly is grateful every single day as we watch these little guys grow and learn.
As of today, here is a list of what "the boys" are doing!
*crawling EVERYWHERE...inside and out of anything they fit through
*pulling up on EVERYTHING..including my leg as I am trying to walk through the kitchen to tidy up.
*starting to "let go" while standing up and reaching from one object to another. *have mastered the meaning of "NO" and understand it fully... *plays patty cake with you if you start the game..
*James sways back and forth when he hears any music or rhythmic beat..
*feeding themselves bites of food and even starting to take bites of food from crackers by themselves...this is of course EXTREMELY messy...but cute nonetheless... *pitching fits in an adorable toddler kind of way (at least that shows me they "understand" their wants and want nots!)
*babbling like crazy, "ma ma", "da da", "bye bye" and James will even mimic you back with "eeeeeee" if you speak to him.
*signing "more" with their hands when they are eating...this one trick is my favorite ..too cute!
They are physically and cognatively doing wonderful. Our PT says there really isn't a reason to visit with them, but of course I INSIST that they be followed. I told her last visit that the boys can't be dismissed from early intervention because they refuse to take a bottle or cup and until they graduate from my boob, they can't graduate from early intervention..haha!
We are proud of our guys.
We will NEVER forget the road they traveled down to get here.
We will ALWAYS give God ALL the praise and glory and honor in all that these boys do.
We thank you all for your prayers and support over this past year.
We are humbled by the grace in which God has poured on the Pate Family in 2009.
I guess I will end this post with one thought. If you have ever wondered in life whether you really are in control of it all, please use me as an example. One year ago I delivered baby boys that weren't given much of a chance to survive and a whole host of problems to foresee. I had thought I had my life "right where I wanted it" before this journey took place. I thought I had it "all under control" until my life spun completely "out of control" ..my control that is. I am forever grateful that God used my life and the lives of my baby boys to reach me and many others in a very deep and profound way. I will live my life honoring HIM and sharing our story for all who will listen. Not for my own gratification...but HIS!
Happy Birthday James Daniel and John David...You are treasured in a special way!
Happy birthday Miracle Babies! From one NICU mommy to another, praise God for His goodness and unending mercy. Thank you for letting us be a part of the journey God has brought you on through this post. Love you girl!
You did it Momma- you made it through the first year. Happy Birthday Pate Boys!
They are so precious. You are such an inspiration. I really didn't know you beyond your name until James and John David became part of your life. Seeing how you have handled the last year, especially while I was going through a really difficut period in my own life, has been a real joy.
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