I had to post this picture because boy does this sum up my evenings....or rather nights. By 11:00pm I am usually wiped out. I love how "passed out" all three of us look.
One last thought before I go. When I get to the point of total exhaustion and think of all that I have completed in a days time, I wouldn't change it for the world. I know that the life season we are living right now will all too soon pass and I will only be left with memories. So I want to remember the details of my chaotic days and exhausting afternoons because I know these days will pass and I will look back and think "how in the world did I do it!"
Remember to keep those sweet children that lost their momma last week in that awful car accident in your daily prayers. There names are Cross and India. My friend's name is Brooke Taylor, and her sister who died was Mandy. Thank you for remembering this precious family. They have an amazing faith and live so boldly for Christ. I know that they are turning to HIM for compassion and love right now as they endure this tragedy.
The accident happened at the church of one of our good friends. His children were in daycare there when it happened. My heart has ached for this family since I heard the news. Life is so short. Every day is a blessing.
Looks like you're all three enjoying a nice little nap. :)
Hi Dana! I love this picture! You all definitely look tuckered out, but what a fabulous memory to have captured. Thanks for stopping by my blog and sending some encouragement and prayers my way. I try to stay positive most days and keep the ultimate goal in mind and that's what gets me through all of this. The holidays are an exceptionally hard time to be here. But, we're making it work and we have family here to help us through. Please keep in touch! I know I'm going to need Momo Mommy help a we continue on this journey with our girls.
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