Claire and her amazing teacher, Lori Lancaster posing at the Christmas party. The theme was "Whoo-ville" and the kids had a super, fantastic time. And a picture of Mommy with Claire at her party.

After I spent an hour at Claire's party, I rushed over to Ellie's party hoping to catch the end of her festivities, however, everything was over by the time I arrived and they were beginning their "work" for the day. Ellie was still happy that Mommy came though. She said, "It's okay cause no mommies could come and we still had brownies!" ha ha ha... I of course felt like I deserved "world's worst mom" award:( But she was thrilled to show me her baked goodies and treats they worked so hard at preparing the day prior. Montessori learning by the way is purely amazing for those of you who wonder about it. Ellie attends Bruno's Montessori school in Oak Mountain and I must say, I don't think there is a need in her attending Kindergarten next year because she has already completed the state's Kindergarten curriculum in the first half of this year at Bruno's. Seriously, the girl knows more math at 4yrs old than Claire did in first grade! Well see though...

Mommy and girls decorating cookies after school one day this past week. Reason I mention this as being "special" is because I am usually so drained from the long days of being a teacher and all that goes into the week of school this time of year, I never feel that I ever have time to enjoy the fun crafts and cooking with my girls during the week prior to Christmas. I am truly grateful for this time I have had off from teaching this year. I have tried to incorporate some type of Christmas fun each afternoon when the girls get home from school. Thus far we have mostly cooked, decorated, painted ornaments, created picture frames and of course the infamous...sticker art!!

Jenna had her first "play date" with a friend. Ella Mayfield joined us for a play day and boy did these girls have a grand time. They destroyed the upstairs and did it with such love and joy. I was so proud of how well they played together. They had grocery store set up, daycare set up, baby dolls, dress up, puzzles, doll house with all the accesories and even the brother's laundry all re-organized and placed according to their preference all within about 20 minutes time. After I settled the boys (fed and changed them), it was time to decorate cookies, eat waffles and fruit, color and paint, clean up the kitchen and then tackel the upstiars. Ella must have a pretty phenomenal mom, becasue when I asked for the girls to "clean up" they did so without any problems..I WAS SHOCKED! Wonderful memories made and so thankful God has a sweet friend like Ella for Jenna to spend special time with.

Last but not least..just two precious pictures of those adorable little miracles we recieved last year at this time. Wow, to think of how far these little guys have come.

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