Why is it that the moment an accident happens you think...CRAP!!! I was about to call them inside to leave. Claire and Jenna were jumping on the trampoline (a daily ritual in this family) and I was preparing to pack up the van so we could leave to pick up Claire's friend to spend the night, to drop Jenna off with Mamaw and finally meet Daddy to go out for supper. As you can pretty much imagine..total madness when I realized Jenna had broken her leg. But as a great friend of mine always says, "IT IS WHAT IT IS" and so here we are, with ANOTHER broken bone! I tell ya what, Children's ER should send us a complimentary dinner voucher to our favorite restaurant for continuing to keep them in business. I guess when you have five kids the odds are stacked against you...
We will be visiting the ortho doctor Monday morning. I am anticipating the next four weeks being pretty challenging around here with THREE babies to carry around. But hey, you know me, I love a challenge..makes you a stronger person in the end..right?!?
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. The boys both have all the RSV symptoms so I am a little on edge about that as well. James especially is showing signs of breathing difficulty.
I will update with more later. Right this moment as I am typing, I have James crying pulling my leg, Jenna screaming "Mommy, my leg is burning and I need my strawberry milk", and John David jumping in his bed whining and saying "mama mama mama"...
Oh my goodness. Bless your heart!! Mama needs a break! I'm so sorry about Jenna's leg and I sure pray that the boys don't have RSV. You will be in my prayers. Maybe you can catch a movie after bed time tonight. Sounds like you could use some chill time.
Danna... bless your heart... my first thought was OH NO when i read the title... praying for your strength... thank you for always being so positive and having the best outlook on all situations... it encourages me so much!
OH NO!! God has a plan...you know this; so I will pray that He reveals His plan to you. I cannot imagine what you are going through.
Bless her little heart! And bless Mommy & Daddy! Things are kind of hectic right now, huh? Huge understatement! We are here if you need any help. Hang in there! Saying a prayer for all of you!
Girl, I agree...Children's should send you guys out to dinner. LOL
I hope Jenna and you are adjusting. Life is never dull in the Pate household.
Oh, no! Poor sweet girl, poor sweet babies, & poor mama! Your family will be in our prayers.
Praying for the Pate family. We really miss you guys and all of the fun that comes with you. Hugs and kisses to Jenna.
The Harmon Family
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