This picture cracks me up cause Jenna is wearing "Christmas PJ's" on Easter morning..haha!
She is such a nut!
Our Family!
Mommy and her girls!
Mamaw and Papa with five of their seven grandchildren...
Daddy and his boys!
Ready for the egg hunt!
James Daniel playing on the stairs!
Our family had a wonderful Easter together. We started bright and early as the Easter Bunny left at 6:30am and must have woken up a few little kids as he left cause I heard, "Oh my gosh, look what I got" at about 6:30am. We enjoyed an early church service and then headed over to Mamaw's house for lunch and egg hunts. The weather was absolutely gorgeous so we played outside ALL 5:30 pm, we had some extremely dirty and surely exhausted kiddos. My favorite was washing off the grass from James Daniel's hands after he had devoured his banana Popsicle (dripping it everywhere, wearing more of it than what he ate) and then rolling in the grass. So his hands, arms and face were covered in sticky banana grass...
Papa hooked up the trailer to his tractor and pulled the little kiddos around his yard a good 20 times. I am sure he used up half a tank of gas entertaining them with tractor rides, but it sure was worth the memories made.

After we arrived back home from our fun filled day, we bathed all the kids, ate some egg sandwiches and ended our night making "Resurrection rolls". This activity was wonderful to do as a family together to remind our children again what Easter celebration is all about. Each girl was given a jumbo marshmallow and told to spray butter on it and roll it in sugar and cinnamon (while explaining that the marshmallow represents Jesus our pure and perfect Savior and the spices represent our sin that Jesus so selflessly took and put on himself) and then we asked the girls to roll their marshmallow in a crescent roll and seal it up completely (the crescent roll represented the tomb that Jesus' body was wrapped and laid in after his crucifixion)...baked at 350 degrees fro 8 min. produces a yummy roll that when you cut open proves to be the TOMB was the day JESUS ASCENDED TO HEAVEN.

I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter.
Dana, your Easter pictures made me smile AND cry. You are such a fantastic Mommy! I loved your marshmallow project~
We had a blessing on Easter, Roy was able to go to Phillip and Katy's with us!
Let's try to get together soon. Love you all~
You have a beautiful family! I loved seeing your gorgeous Easter pictures!
Great pix, as always!
I've never seen the Resurrection story explained with that recipe. Way back when I did the 2-3 y.o. Sunday school class, we did cookies that were the same concept.
oh i loved all these pictures Dana!!! I also loved the crescent rolls idea~ sounds really yummy too!! You are one blessed mommy;-)
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