Here are some recent pictures of the boys playing. They love to play on the couch now. The ballpark is now our second home, so they are learning to love it as well. I don't have any pictures of James Daniel with the remote control to the television, but that is his new obsession. I don't have any pictures of John David holding six or seven bouncy balls, but that is his new obsession. They are becoming so much fun. My latest favorite I have noticed, would be James talking in his own language that nobody can understand, and John David saying bye bye....ma ma....bye bye....ma ma....it is so cute. The first time he said bye bye and waved bye bye at the same time was to Ellie as she was barreling out of the van in car pool line. It was precious.
The boys also absolutely LOVE the wagon. It has become "their seat" while the girls play outside after school and I piddle around the yard and basement. They have also gotten so much better with their sippy straw cups so I am now down to morning and night only breastfeeding (bout time since the little stinkers are almost 16 months old)...
We are so grateful for their health and well being. They are doing wonderful and we are so thankful.
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