So updating this kid is easy.....He has been such an easy "kid" to raise thus far.Very little drama or demands in his day to appease him. This lil boy loves to dress up in his best pirate/hunter/cowboy attire. . To say that he wakes up and within 10 min., has on some type of accessory or dress up on, is an understatement. This kid always has on a hat, belt, gloves, jacket, glasses....etc.
James has adjusted well to his new school this year. He loves Mrs. Melodie and asks to go to school every morning. He is dressing himself from head to toe, and most mornings he wants to pick out his own clothes, socks and shoes (which is fine with me, I love the independence he is showing). James is gifted in music. I know that sounds crazy for an almost 4 yr old, but I have never seen a kid at 3 pick up a guitar and strum tune the way he does. He has the body positioning and strums natural rhythmic beat when he plays it. Recently we heard the piano keys tuning away and assumed it was Ellie practicing, until she rounded the corner in the kitchen and said, "Will you please tell James Daniel to GET OFF MY PIANO!"....LOL!
We see wonderful creative strengths in James Daniel right now, and I am giddy to see what else transpires for him as he grows and develops into his own little person. My favorite "James funny" recently was watching him oooh and ahhhh over our baby cousin we kept a few days ago. He looked at me with very sincere eyes and said, "Momma, can we go to the baby store or Walmart and get one of these girl babies for me and John David?"...He is such a cool kid, loving, kind, creative and even manipulative some days....I love HIM to pieces. I am so very grateful for James Daniel and God's chosen miracle of health for him.
James loved the Spain Park games this season.
He would always say, "I need to see Jaggie (the mascot) and let him see me!" |
Picture worth a thousand words....This one is priceless! |
Reading in Jenna's bed with Momma one night. Love our time together when we just snuggle and read... |
Picked the kids up from my mom's house. James was SO EXCITED to be in this authentic dress up. Lil Harry Potter! |
Power Ranger for Halloween...a day he was actually suppose to dress up...LOL! |
I could eat him up...seriously! Hat and glasses...always! |
Hat, glasses, and gloves! |
Hat and apron...oh and the gloves again, but they are actually toe socks from his sister's closet! |
This makes me LAUGH out LOUD! His hat, is Claire's boot/leg covering for her Super Girl costume from last year's Halloween! |
Goggles, hat, glove, and of course guitar...He said, "I am a loud rocker Mommy" |
hat, gloves, Jenna's rain boots, within 5 min. of waking up! |
God's beauty right here. I will never forget the pics of them sleeping like this as infants and wondering why a God who had the power to create all of existence would even care to meet me at my crisis and save these lil boys. WOW! Humbling.... |
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