I spent all day Friday fasting from Facebook and from solid food. Our pastor encouraged us to try some new "spiritual disciplines".....I pray all the time, not the silent, dark, on my knees praying....but constantly lifting up others throughout my day. I attend church every single Sunday and Wednesday, but other than that, I don't feel many other spiritual disciplines are evident in my life. So during my day of "fasting", it was amazing how much more time I had to reflect without interference from food and Facebook . LOl!...I never really heard from God. Not sure what I was looking for. Maybe just a spiritual experience that I needed to prove to myself I could do, not out of my own self will power but through Him and the strength I draw from God in the midst of my weakness. Every time I became hungry (which was often throughout the day) I would sit at the table to "eat my Word"...it really was amazing how I became consumed with reading the bible and not focused on my hummus and carrots I so desperately wanted. I also felt I had more time to "seek His face" when I wasn't scrolling through Facebook. I do love Facebook, but acknowledge the time I waste on there just scrolling. All this to say, I am finding myself in a place in my Faith where I know I need more of Him. It is not that I am not happy or joyful most days. No depression knocking on my door. Not questioning my Faith in Jesus Christ. I just realize through the teachings of my Faith at church, that my purpose is to really know God, and I honestly just know "about Him"...I desire to really, intimately "know Him". Not trying to "figure God out"...but definitely want to strengthen my relationship with Him.
Now, the update on the rug rats. It will take me more than one post, so I will start with Claire Bear and hopefully finish with kid #5 by the end of the month...LOL!
Claire Bear...Wow, she is growing up fast. Claire is flourishing in Middle School this year. I was a total nervous wreck when she started 6th grade, fears of all the normal crap you hear about with middle school girls, but I have seen her soar thus far. Academically she is strong. I am so proud of her efforts and responsibilities with her school work.She has handled it all beautifully. She has a group of friends who are loving, encouraging Christian friends and I thank God so, much for guiding her into the circle of those friendships she has developed with their families. I am humbled by the heart of selflessness Claire McKinley Pate shares with others each day. Parents always admit to wanting more for their children than they themselves had growing up, I would agree. And I am so grateful she has more love and compassion for others and a true selfless attitude more so than myself. She is a beautiful gift and I thank my Heavenly Father for her.

Watching Auburn Football with Ellie on a lazy Saturday evening! |
Hanging out with Nana, cooking Sunday lunch! |
MATH...love/hate relationship:-) |
Exciting day for her....nominated for Student Council AND made an A on her Math quiz |
Precious friends from neighborhood and school. Going to cheer practice together. |
BEST BUDS....these two girls have a bond like no other. And they are indulging in a Decaf, sugar free Frapp from Starbucks! |
Claire saw this scarecrow from the road and said, "Oh I have to stop and take a picture for all the little kids!" This is Pete the Cat and anybody with young children know how famous "Pete the Cat" is...ICON IN OUR FAMILY! |
AUBURN..one trip a year as a whole family. Auburn lost miserably, but the kids had a blast! Lol! |
Dressed up for a "pre-Halloween" rehearsal! Little Red Riding Hood and Harry Potter... |
Spain Park games with some more wonderful friends! |
Painting toes on the patio with two best buds in the neighborhood. |
Hope these girls will be cheering through school together. They loved hanging out at the youth Spain Park football games while Ellie was cheering this year. |
Snack after school. Always enjoy snacking and talking after school together. This is a sweet time for us, while the other four are napping or playing. |
She wanted to frame it. I agreed . We are working on it! LOL! |
Claire's first Auburn road game. Rob and I took her to Vandy. It was awesome. The game itself wasn't ...Auburn has had the worst record in all of AU history I think. But Claire's experience going on a road trip with just Rob and me, was a precious gift. |
Monster Nachos with Daddy. |
Perfect dinner after the game. This is truly our favorite place to eat. |
All done. Exhausted. In a good way of course. |
Happy Halloween from two of a kind. Haha...Claire was my "mini me" for Halloween. |
Love this pic. I am raising a replica...only I feel that some days I am learning more from her than she is from me. |
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