Update on Ellie Brooklyn Pate!
Ellie is sailing through school..So thankful for her amazing teacher and wonderfully kind friends. Ellie enjoys learning and has an immense desire to please her teachers. We knew when she was two years old sounding out letters that she would be an exceptional learner!
Ellie has lost MANY teeth in the last few weeks. I believe the count is up to 8 now. The top 6 are gone, AT THE SAME TIME...It is pretty hysterical when she smiles. NO TOP TEETH! Lol!
Ellie has begun piano lessons with our neighbor, Ms Angie. It has been wonderful thus far. Ellie loves it, practices all the time without even being asked. Looks forward to her lessons each week. Seems so enthusiastic about learning more. She has had 8 lessons and can play 4 songs. So proud of her. So very thankful for the piano my mom and step dad gave her. I do hope she continues with it and will continue to feed her hunger and love of music. I had to take a music appreciation course in college and nearly failed it. Worse class I had to complete. God didn't bless me with musical talent but He sure did bless two of my kids with it and I want to encourage them in every way I can.
Ellie also recently finished up her first cheer season with Spain Park Youth Football. Loved it! We had a blast spending time together cheering for our lil Jags. She did however miss her gymnastics, A LOT, and I believe she will return ASAP! She told me multiple time during the cheer season that she loved cheering but she REALLY LOVED gymnastics. We are super proud of her recent cheer competition with UCA. Ellie Bug competed in the Individual Cheer Competition and won 1st Place. It was great finale to her season. She worked so hard and really did practice most every afternoon, on her own, without much of my persistent help at all. She told me one afternoon, "I just want to win that big trophy like Claire did last year!" Makes my heart smile.
Lastly, Ellie is thriving in her spiritual walk with God. I am so thankful to see her growing in a relationship with Christ. She is asking us questions all the time, learning scripture all the time. Applying the scripture songs we sing on the Lil Sprouts CD (we recorded a CD last week of all the scriptures I teach our kids through song and chant) Anyway, Last week she bolted off the bus and ran to me shouting, "I have to tell you what happened on the bus!!!!" I assumed it would be something inappropriate...(bus talk is not the best)....but instead of negative talk she began explaining to me how she noticed a little boy who sat across from her (who seemed to need some scripture) ...She wasn't sure how to just tell him about Jesus but knew he needed to hear something nice about how God loves us so much through Jesus. So she pulled out a devotional book that said "God's Promises" and held it up so he could see it while she inconspicuously read a random page....and then the explanation of the scripture on the "page" she turned to was perfect..."OH my goodness, Mommy, I was just trying to show him a book that would encourage him to be nicer and the page I was reading talked about being Christ's light in a dark place and how we can share Jesus with others who need him just by showing them our love of Jesus.....Isn't that so cool how the words I turned to were just perfect for what I was thinking????"
Of course I was smiling ear to ear and beaming with such pride and joy to see her apply what she has been taught at home and church (share Jesus with others)....and then she said, "I can't believe God just put those words in front of me that said what I was trying to do for that little boy...!"
Such a full heart. A memory I will have forever. She is a precious representation of kindness and compassion for the hurting world around us. I am so proud of the young lady she is becoming. Super smart and sassy, but so very sensitive to the needs of others. I hope and pray she keeps a heart for the hurting and selflessly loves those around her.
Loves it. |
This is a look that says, "What in the world has gotten into my mother...she is ROCKIN the breakfast today!" |
Mamaw and Papa hanging out at the end of one of Ellie's games! |
Just being her crazy self waiting on bus one morning! |
she said, "I just HAVE to be one of them when I grow up, they are so AUsome!" |
Headed to the AU game....took a picture on the corner where we tailgated when Rob played! |
Eating lunch with her one day at school...surprised her! |
Tea party. Checked her out of school (I know that is totally against teacher law) but she was so thrilled. Such a precious memory for us to keep tucked in our hearts forever. |
She was on cloud nine! |
Lil Miss Paula Dean...
For the girl who just sits around and creates desserts in her mind, this was a monumental moment for her.
A plate with homemade delicacies..... |
Sweet friends. Goofing off before our game against the Patriots. |
Hoover YMCA, one Saturday morning she hung out with me while I worked out. |
Cake Pop from Starbucks. They both said, "Oh my gosh, are you seriously going to let us have one!!!!!???" |
Created a water color painting for her piano teacher's birthday. I thought it turned out great. She has been tinkering with these a lot lately. Might need to start selling them to help pay college one day:-) |
Dorothy for Halloween.
I love this beautiful child. I thank God for her and the place she has in my heart. |
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