Oh my sweet, sassy, sophisticated, spitfire....Jenna Kathryn Pate....only one like her in the world. I am thankful God chose me to be her mom!~
Jenna started Kindergarten this year, and it has been wonderful thus far. She has 15 beautiful friends in her class and a teacher who was designed by the Almighty to be a Kindergarten teacher. I tell ya, I subbed one day in Kindergarten and that is some serious business. I think I only made four our of 16 cry that day. One fourth is pretty good stats for Kindergarten meltdowns, don't ya think? Jenna always arrives home from the bus, barreling with excitement to share about her day. She smiles a lot, asks questions A LOT and shares "mis-in-mation" (aka information) that Mrs. Cvacho teaches her each day! I ask her often, "Have you ever been in trouble for not following directions or being disruptive?" and she always responds, "NO way Mommy, I always mind Mrs. Cvacho!"
Jenna is still very much enthralled with baby dolls and "playing house"....This must stem from her earlier days of raising twin boys:-).....I am confident that Jenna has the skills to raise small children because she spent two years at a home daycare with many small children, tending to and taking care of their basic requests! Jenna is an awesome "helper" when she wants to be.
Most proudest mommy moment recently, Jenna was headed to her bedroom to get ready for bed and wait for me to come tuck her in. When I finally approached her room, I peered around the corner because I heard her talking to someone. Thinking to myself, she much be talking to a baby doll, I softly entered her room to find her perched on the side of her desk, with James Daniel, teaching him the bible verse 1Thessalonians 5:11...James was repeated after her as she ended with, "Great job buddy, Jenna is so proud of you!" #heartmelt!!!!! I wanted to freeze the moment. Actually I did. In my memory, I won't forget it. Another reason I document on this blog. I feel as though so much is flying by, raising these 5 blessings each day, and it makes my heart whimper at the thought of them growing up so fast.
Jenna loves to jump on the trampoline with her big sisters. Last week I walked out into the back yard to find Ellie spotting Jenna on a back handspring...ON THE GRASS! I said, "WHOA, WHAT ARE YALL DOING?" Ellie responds, "Oh we are doing Jenna's training on the grass because she passed the trampoline back handspring test!!" OH GEEZ! . Jenna also asked me a few weeks ago if she could take karate! I laughed OUT LOUD because honestly she would probably kick butt at karate! And the answer, of course, was....maybe later:-)
Here are some pics of Jenna Boo from the Fall season....
Art on the patio.. |
Jenna's best bud, Savannah Holder. |
Who teaches this child to pose like this....LOL! |
Saturday morning snuggle with Mommy on the patio. We LOVE our patio time! |
Working hard on letters and numbers... |
Waiting for the bus one morning. |
Toomer's Lemonade. After we endured a terrible loss, steamy hot, miserable loss to Arkansas! |
Hanging out on the old Pate corner of tailgating! |
Monster pudding...spooky after school snack!
only because I don't have a job and can actually spend 5 min in the kitchen making fun after school snack! |
Pink out at school for Breast Cancer Awareness month! |
She LOVES nature, playing outside, just being outside. Digging up rocks, gathering acorns, etc. This particular day she found a rock shaped like a heart. Pretty cool. Had to take a picture! |
crashed....this girl sleeps well.... |
Precious Ariel for Halloween....what a sweet innocent smile...(we practiced it!) |
"Thank you Mommy for my new pink jacket that is just mine and not Claire and Ellie's" |
Surprise visit at lunch with just one brother...John David! |
PUFF...the famous friend from Kindergarten that each child gets to bring home for the weekend. She was SO EXCITED! Mrs.Cvacho calls the chosen child a 'Dear Heart'...so all weekend Jenna was the "Dear Heart"... |
Puff also enjoyed the recording studio at Mr. Marc's house.
This was the morning of the recording of our scripture song CD, The Lil Sprouts. |
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