This is how the boys fall asleep each night after I nurse them. It is super sweet. John David is a noisy eater, he grunts and snores, shuffles around, plays with his hands, grabs James' hand or my pj's, busy.... James is very quiet, serious and gets down to business. He is always the first one to burp and generally burps an extra couple of times compared to John David.

Here is James Daniel with his paci- his FOUR FINGERS..he loves to suck his fingers.

Finally the boys are big enough to wear their special diapers that were hand painted by Renee Metcalf (Renee's husband, Johnny Metcalf was Rob's old Football and Baseball coach back in the good ole Erwin High days!) Renee's email is if you are interested in her diapers. She is so talented and does an awesome job on them. She did lots of different designs for us. We have some that are football, AUBURN, dinosaurs, all differnt kinds. She even wraps them in a gift package.

Yesterday I took James and John David in for their next two shots (we visit each month in order to space out their shots and not cluster 4 shots at one time) Anyway, James weighed 10 pounds and 13 ounces (close to 11 pounds) and John David a.k.a Fats, weighed 12 pounds 4 ounces. They are growing well as Dr. Darby said. She has NO concerns right now, which is just awesome, amazing, terrific, phenomenal, outstanding...on and on! I asked her about James' growth and if he was growing okay (in comparison to John David, he looks a bit behind) and of course she said looking at the boys individually as two "individual" babies, James looks perfectly fine. I guess I just worry about him (always have since in the womb)whether or not he is getting enough nourishment from me. Both boys are fed the same amount each day. They both get the same breast milk. So, according to Dr. Darby they are both doing exceptionally well and John David is just moving along the "catch up curve" faster than James right now.
The boys are now eating cereal each night at about 8:00pm. Tonight we introduced bananas and of course John David LOVED them. He literally sucked the air trying to find more. I didn't want to over feed him so he took about half of the container of bananas and half a bowl of cereal before I cut him off. Thus far, John David is loving the food and James does pretty well but prefers to nurse!
Summer officially begins Friday. I am planning on cleaning out my classroom Friday morning:( It will be hard but I also know it will be thrilling to return next August and start back after having a year off with the boys. I already feel so blessed to have been fortunate enough to remain off since December. God most definitely has steered the course of this ride and I am thankful for his expertise, I couldn't have planned it better myself.
1 comment:
Dana they are TOO CUTE!!! I LOVE the diapers and am so happy that they are doing well. You are always in our prayers!!!
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