We did what any exhausted, worn out, busy ALL THE TIME, supermom would have done at the beach for four days without children: EAT, LOUNGE, EAT, LOUNGE, EAT, LOUNGE!!! The weather was gorgeous and we thoroughly enjoyed each others company while soaking up some sun! We all made a pact to make May 1st weekend each year, our Mom's Getaway.
We all agreed that the time away was much needed but we were all so overjoyed to be returning home to our husbands and children.
The boys are doing well. Growing like weeds. They are smiling all the time and cooing at us when we "talk" to them. Their growth and development has been phenomenal. John David has interest in eating every other hour now..must be a growth spurt. My goodness that boy can eat. I am praying God will continue to bless my milk supply and I can keep up with them.
I am super tired so tonight's post is short. Thank you all for checking in with us. I will post some pics of the boys next time. Please continue to pray for their development and health.
Yay! Glad to hear you had a great time! Check out my blog today - I have a perfect craft for your girls & boys! A great Mother's day craft!
So glad you had a good trip with your girlfriends - sounds wonderful!!
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