Rob took Claire and Ellie to volunteer at the Special Olympics in Troy, AL on Saturday. The girls had a special day with daddy and enjoyed serving others and being Daddy's little helpers.
The boys and Jenna stayed home with me and had some fun special time with family and friends. Jenna was invited to go to the Wade's house (Kristi Wade is our amazing school counselor at OMIS) and her daughter Molli Grace helped to entertain Jenna while I worked cheerleading registration. The boys hung out at their Uncle Phillip and Aunt Katy's house for a few hours during the registration hours. It will be such great fun for them when they get older to be able to play with their cousin Sam. He is such a precious boy. Seriously he is just over a year old but is nearly as tall as Jenna (out weighs her by 5 pounds..) Sam (a.k.a. Sambo) has the biggest hands I have ever seen on a one year old! Ha!
Sunday was extra special because I was blessed to spend some time with Catie, my friend I met through my blog (honestly didn't know her until she e-mailed me one day and we instantly had someting very special in common...IDENTICAL TWIN BOYS!) She delivered them on Friday and so far they are doing well. Timothy is right at 4 pounds nad John David is at 2.14 (How crazy is it that our John David weighed the same exact weight!) Her John David will have more scans tomorrow to check the status of his heart (whether or not he has a defect or not) so please, please be in prayer for her and for John David. She seemed to be doing pretty well, considering she wasn't prepared Friday for her "emergency c-section"! As I sat and talked with her, I couldn't help but hold back the tears. I know what her heart feels at this very moment. She is scared and worried for the health of her premature babies, but trying so hard to be strong and keep her unwavering faith. She is strong in knowing that God is in control. Yet, she is desperate in wanting him to keep her babies safe and allow them to grow and thrive. I know how she longs to want to hold her babies and feel them breath against her chest, cradle them in her arms and smell them. It is heart wrenching to be away from your babies and not reach out and comfort them when they cry or know what they are doing at each moment of each day. You almost feel like they aren't YOUR babies because you aren't capable of caring for them. All I could do during that time was pray and pump milk and that is what I did. I will be in constant prayer for her and hope that Timothy and John David have just a few short weeks to grow and become stronger before coming home to Mommy and Daddy. I pray for health and safety and peace and comfort for Catie and Matt.
1 comment:
I wanted to tell you that my friend is home and is on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy until August or before. She is on medicine every four hours to keep the contractions away. Keep her in your prayers. I will call you this afternoon with an update from my doctor's appt. Love you!
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