So imagine the scene...Daddy trimming hedges, Mommy planting flowers and washing off the deck, Nana pushing boys in the jogging stroller, Jenna laying down for a nap, Claire and Ellie soaking wet from playing in the hose and completely filthy from playing outside; all is well and everyone is happy until...ELLIE FALLS OFF HER BIKE AND BREAKS HER ARM! And yes, it was the kind of broken arm that you look at and instantly think, yep that is a broken arm.
Rob called his mom, she was at our house within 10 minutes and we were off to Children's Hospital with Ellie. Long story short (I won't bore you with the details) Ellie was sedated and arm was set back into place and we were on our way with her fancy new HOT pink cast within 5 hours...oops I forgot to mention she vomited about 8 times from the sedation medication. That was fun..especially when she hurled in the car!!!!
I am determined to find the positives. Not good that is it the FIRST week of summer and Ellie has a broken arm. Yes, my plate is full (as so many people say to me often) and it just became a little fuller, but I am so thankful I took my precious, HEALTHY four year old in to the hospital today for a broken arm and nothing worse. She will be fine. Pate girls are tough and very resilient. Positives in this situation are: it is her left arm (she is right handed), they have water proof casts now, she can still paint and draw and do her crafts (that makes her so happy), she is home with me and not at school, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. It is so hard to watch your children suffer. Seeing her in so much pain today just made my heart ache for her. I knew she'd be okay and soon enough the pain would subside, but in the moment I just hurt for her.
So I just wanted to share with everyone our EVENTFUL day...turned out that the yard work and deck washing will be postponed till later.

Here is Ellie holding her bell that she rings when she needs me. OF course within 2 minutes of giving it to her she was ringing it. Fist it was "my arm is slipping off the pillow" and then "I need to potty" and then "I am sweaty and can't get the blankets off" and then "I need a snack for my tummy"....

Here is the "snack" picture. She chose peanut butter crackers.
I know she is not feeling good, but soon this will become the "coolest" story! love the hot pink cast!!!
Oh no Girl! I hope she feels better soon! I love her styling cast!
Please tell Ellie Bug that I am praying for her to get well. Her cast is perfect for her. I hope she feels better soon! I need to come see you guys soon!
OH NO! I swear, that Ellie is more like ME than ANY of my girls are!!!
Tell her that I've broken my left arm at least 10 times....and I'm LEFT handed! I always get a pink cast too~
Feel better Ellie...
Bless her heart... and yours. I am so impressed with your positive outlook no matter what the situation. Best wishes!
SO life was getting a little too comfortable, huh?! Wow - we're praying for a quick recovery for Ellie and no more excitement for you & Rob, at least for awhile! :)
Oh no. I am so sorry. I do love the hot pink cast, though. Sounds like you had a very exciting Sunday afternoon. I have been to children's with an injured kid, so I understand. You're right, this too shall pass.
Blessings and quick healing for Ellie Bug.
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