I have the hardest days physically and mentally I have ever had in my entire life, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. There are so many moments in my day that I cherish with my children. Not that we don't have moments when I want to scream and cry like the kids do, but many more moments of pure joy. The boys (by the way) are the easiest of all the kids. They are more effort to carry around and get in and out of the van, but other than that, they are easy! The 8 year old (who I swear is approaching puberty) and the 4 year old (who is ready for Broadway now) and the 2 year old (who will for sure grow up to be a judge) keeps me the busiest. You know it is funny how often I speak with friends and even total strangers that tell me, "I don't know how you do it..." I always chuckle and respond, "yea, me neither!" But actually I do know how I do it...I start every single day with someone who is way bigger and stronger than I...GOD. I ask HIM daily to give me patience and love to take care of all of the precious lives HE has entrusted to me. I ask HIM for simple things like, the parking place closest to the store or the rain to stop for a moment until I get all 5 kids safely into the van. May sound crazy but I draw strength from HIM all day long. When I feel overwhelmed and completely exhausted (which is often) I fixate my thoughts on the suffering Christ went through for me. I meditate on the power in which GOD spared the lives of these miracle boys and I find peace and strength. The world is full of so much crap and some days just seem really bad, but when I step back and take a moment to "re-evaluate", I always find the strength I need to manage my day. Yes, it becomes insanely crazy around here when I am trying to juggle multiple tasks: breastfeeding the twins, individual time with the girls, reading stories, painting pictures, marathon running, domestic responsibilities (you can't even imagine the laundry we have), preparing meals, running errands (the worst with 5 small kids),coaching cheerleaders, and being a good wife to my incredible husband...sounds like a lot ugh? Well it is, and I wouldn't be able to do any of it without the help of my LORD. I have no doubt that HE is the reason I survive the days and I thank Him for it EVERYDAY!
Look at these handsome little men...they look just like their daddy!
1 comment:
Wow!!! Your words have inspired me - iknow the exhaustion and craziness you experience however not on the same level because I only have 2 almost 2year olds (you could probably handle them no problem). I've been so overwhelmed recently and feel at my whits end most days but I need to focus HIM and pray for peace and guidance to get through each day!!! By the way I have been following your blog for a while after seeing it on the multiples group email- my name is jennifer pope (thepopetwins.blogspot.com)
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