Family picture after the Oak Mountain Fish Fry! Boy was it HOT!
Popcorn and cookies...
These boys are so silly. Doesn't matter how I adjust them in their Bumbo seats, they always go for the same toy and play tug of war until one of them wins (usually James)
Jenna posing for a picture on her night to be "kitchen helper"...I started having a kitchen helper each night so the girls would each have individual "special" time with either me or Rob (whoever was in charge of dinner). They LOVE it because the other two girls aren't allowed to enter the kitchen and help. They have to stay in the living room and having "learning time"...
Claire started 3rd grade this past week. Oh how I hate seeing her grow up so fast. It makes me want to re-wind time and send her back to Kindergarten. I am so proud of the young lady she is becoming though. She is compassionate and caring of others. She tries her best and wants to do well for others. I am grateful to have her as my daughter and love her deeply.
Saturday was a fun family day. The kids played all morning at home (destroying the upstairs of our house) but played well together nonetheless. Saturday afternoon we enjoyed the Oak Mountain Fish Fry (kick-off to football season) Afterwards, Daddy took us all out to eat at Wings. This is a treat for our family because we rarely go out to eat. The girls were so excited to order the "gooey fries" and then top it off with cesar salad and grilled chicken and hamburgers! Rob and I appreciated the environment in which we was completely LOUD and CHAOTIC. For those of you who have never enjoyed a evening at Wings, it is the perfect place to take a family of 5 small children, because if they act up or misbehave loudly...NOBODY CAN HEAR THEM!!! This place has more stimulation than I prefer, but they have awesome grilled chicken dippers and white bbq sauce. My favorite part of the evening was just watching how excited my children were to "eat out"....
This week I am preparing for the Birmingham Moms of Multiples consignment sale. I have been pricing my items for a couple of weeks now. It is ridiculously hard to do this when the majority of my day is spent tending to little ones. However, I have finally entered and priced all my items. 57 pairs of shoes, and 130 clothing items. I am hoping to make a good bit of money on this sale so we can buy the girls bunk beds.
Well that is about it for now, I am heading to bed...oh yea, by the way, in case I haven't mentioned it already....I MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE STAYING HOME THIS YEAR! What in the heck was I thinking back in the spring "trying to decide" what was best for me and my family. I am spending my days with the most precious children in the world to me. I hover on the edge of losing my mind occasionally but I find such pure joy in teaching Ellie and Jenna right now and loving and nurturing those two definite miracle baby boys God blessed us with. I am completely exhausted most nights after I have seriously put in 15 hours of major "mommying" but always lay down and thank God for the opportunity HE has given me to do what I am doing right now.
I decided to do Kids Market and I'm completely overwhelmed! Is the Birmingham Multiples Mom sale open to the public like Kids Market? If so when is it? I'm sure you'll make good money!
You are a wonderful mom! I love the idea of kitchen helper... I make both of mine help, but will keep this idea tucked away in the back of my mind if they start needing more individual time...
I need to stop reading blogs and go price some items! Hope to see you at the sale, I am working all day Saturday...
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