This is what I get to wake up to in the mornings..precious ugh!?
My living room looks like a daycare one point we had two swings, two Bumbo seats, two bouncy seats, an exasaucer, johnny jumper, a walker, a floor play mat and two boppy pillows. Not to mention a few toys. My dining room doesn't have a dining room table, no it has a mini classroom in it. I have everything from pre-school to fourth grade materials and activities. But you know what...I love it and I am so thankful I have the opportunity to teach my children right now. I feel like I am able to really spend quality time with them and share the love of learning with them each day.
What fun my days are! I am so thankful to be home with these little guys. I still wake up in the morning and think to myself "Is this really MY life?!" The boys are doing really well. They are growing up too fast. They are at one of the best stages for babies. They aren't mobile enough to crawl all over the house (that is going to stress me out for sure!) and they are out of the newborn, just lay and do nothing stage! They are interactive and playful, laughing and smiling all the time. They cuddle and snuggle with me at night, which I absolutely love. In the mornings after Daddy takes Claire to school, I am able to lay in the bed with the boys and nurse them while I drink my coffee (I LOVE COFFEE) and either read or journal...I am savoring those moments...Ellie and Jenna wake up around 8:30 and we begin the day. The immediate challenge right now is to teach them both on their developmental level. While Jenna finds letters in magazines, Ellie is searching for sight words. That activity works pretty well, however, when it is time to help Ellie with her addition facts, Jenna is counting strawberry shortcake cards, "one, two, three, four, sixteen, fifty, one, two , one hundred...!" she just listens to Ellie and tries to count to one hundred...too funny! I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching them and watching them learn each day. Staying home this year has nothing to do with me and my wants in the day. It has everything to do with our family and what is best for them. One day in life (maybe) it will be more about me, but for is about them. Catering to their needs each day is my "JOB" right now. And boy has it changed my world. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be doing what I am doing right now.
Ellie will start Montessori school on September 8th. She is really looking forward to it and I know it will be perfect for her. So all is well at the Pate house.
Ellie and Jenna wake up at 8:30?!?!?! WHAT? Man, you are one lucky momma! :) Mine are all usually up around 6:30! The action starts early in the Coyle house. :) So glad all is well. What a blessing it is to be able to stay at home and teach your children. Thank you, too, for your continued prayers for John's heart - we go back to the cardiologist near the end of September. Have a great, busy day!
Great blog post. I am glad to hear that your little boys are doing well. I really enjoyed reading your blog and learning about your family. With your positive outlook on life, I feel that your blog would be a great addition to Wellsphere's HealthBlogger Network (HBN). The HBN has over 2,600 bloggers that share a common goal to share their knowledge with others, which enables Wellsphere to provide information that is personal and relevant to over 6 million visitors a month.
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