Tea Party for breakfast..if you look closely you can see the yogurt with gummies on her plate. She told me that all tea parties had sweets and since we didn't have fudge doughnuts we could just have gummies in our yogurt...also, we used her special dishes from Mamaw to serve our coffee (more like milk with a dash of coffee)!
Ellie and Jenna got to watch Cinderella in my bed one morning because they did such a great job cleaning up their toys upstairs (as Ellie said, "You didn't even have to scream at us to be nice to each other!"
Claire was invited to a Fairy Tale Ball this past weekend. This picture made me realize that one day soon, I am going to blink and she is going to be posed for prom pictures...ahhhh! We borrowed a formal dress from her friend, styled hair into a princess bun and the highlight of it all...she got to wear MOMMY'S REAL MAKE UP!
John David PASSED OUT watching tv with Daddy!
Claire posing with her French Vanilla Cappuccino from the gas station. I promised her after we left from babysitting Sam (my nephew) we'd stop and get a "gas station cappuccino"...she felt so big..too cute!
Claire babysitting Sam Pate (her cousin..she adores him and wanted to rock him to sleep. This pic is after Sam's bath and currently watching Baby Einsteins.
Claire and Mommy date night. We ate supper at Shonos in Hoover. It was so fabulous. We had shrimp with grilled veggies and fried rice. I also gave Claire a new "big girl" devotional book for her and I to share together at night as well as a cross necklace. She beamed when I gave it to her and said, "Is it really real Mommy"...I told her yes, it was completely 100% sterling silver (plated) haha! Point being, she felt so proud of it and hasn't taken it off since Friday night. I really value the special times I get to have with each of my children independently. It is so important to do things together as a "family" but just as important to do things together with each of them individually too. Thanks Daddy for taking care of the other four children while Claire and I had date night and got to babysit SAMBO!
I could eat these babies...not really but you know what I mean. They are so precious. The pic of them surrounded by stuffed animals was one morning (I was actually kinda bored waiting on Jenna and Ellie to wake up) so I had cleaned out the "stuffed animal" tub the night before and thought, what a cute picture that would be to surround the boys with stuffed animals. I love it. I have one of Claire about the same age and she looked so much like they do now.
The boys sleeping on Daddy's pillow is pretty sweet as well. John David had been really sick with a high fever that week and he was snuggled up to James and they were snoozing. I wanted to crawl up next to them and snooze too but I had a two year old and four year old demanding my attention at the moment so I snapped a picture to preserve the memory. These little guys sleep so good together. It is going to be really hard to separate them.
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