James Daniel...fell asleep while I was trying to nurse him. So sweet and peacful. Definitely going to be my snuggle bunny! He has been wearing the "green" hat so we can tell which baby he is.

It is becoming apparent that these two miracle babies have two different personalities. We have made the comment before, but tonight, Dr. Strange confirmed that one baby seems to be competitive and strong willed and the other one seems content and easy going. James has a very laid back disposition about himself. He doesn't become overly excited about much. He takes his time eating (whether it be nursing or bottle feed). He doesn't even become extremely agitated when the nurses pull the sticky tape off of his face. He is usually tucked up in his blankets, snuggle bunny for sure. John David however, is his total opposite. He seems to be actively moving all the time (even when he sleeps, he moves). He is is a very aggressive eater (nursing and bottle feeding). He is always sprawled out, arms and legs extended out and the nurses usually have to pull him back up onto the mattress of his isolette because he wiggles himself down off the mattress pad.
Both boys are eating well. James is still only on one bottle or breast feed each day. John David is up to two because he is feeding faster and handling it a little better. At their last weigh in, James was 3 lb 2 ounces, and John David was 3 lb 4 ounces. They are both requiring a little more oxygen than last week, not sure why, other than they are working extra hard to breathe and eat right now. Their last chest x-rays were both clear. Doctor DeCarlo gave them some Lasix (a diuretic) to prevent fluid build up on their lungs. Hopefully this week will be a big growing week and they will continue to strengthen and thrive.
We are now in search of preemie clothes. One of the boys' nurses asked me last week if I was going to bring them some clothes. I felt terrible. I have not even thought to bring them clothes. Before these precious miracles were born, we had not bought a single baby item. The ONLY outfits we currently have are a couple of onesies my mother-in-law found at Wal-Mart and two sleepers Aimee found several months ago and saved for us. A great friend of mine who has twin girls told me to expect preemie clothes and newborn clothes to fit for several months. So if any of my faithful blog followers out there know any where I can find preemie snap up sleepers, please pass along to us.
I have received so many wonderful e-mails from all of my blog followers this past week. Just wanted you guys to know that your sweet comments and words of encouragement mean so much to me. I did find something very interesting in one of my devotional books that I thought I would share with you guys. OF course I find it just when I need it. I love how GOD works. Have you ever "stumbled" upon a message from God you 'needed' at just the right time.
Discontent~ You may think why in the world would I feel anything but "content"...probably because I am a sinner and I struggle each day with the real sin of the world, much like everyone else. I am completely thankful for God's amazing blessings in my life and the miracle He has performed in my life, but "discontent" sneaks into my life for different reasons. I allowed my current "troubles" to overshadow the current blessings of God in my life. It is not that I have forgotten the many blessings HE has bestowed upon my family recently, but I find myself sometimes noticing others around me who aren't struggling with the major life change and uncertainties I am currently dealing with. We have all heard "the grass is greener on the other side", and that is Satan's most perfect way to steal our contentment.
If you are dwelling in the past and missing out on the blessings of today or you are confusing wants with needs, or comparing yourself to others and their possessions or good fortune, the discontentment robs you of the joys in your life and in your relationships with others and with God. Our focus should be God at all times. We should discipline our minds to find the good in every situation and be thankful for our blessings each day.
I am praying more now in my daily walk than I ever have in my life. I encourage you to do the same. Turn it over to HIM, diligently pray and seek HIS guidance, and PRAISE HIM for the little and the BIG HE does each day in your life.
Good Night!
Your words definitely ring true for me. You and your miracle babies have helped me to see that even when I feel that things might not be going the way I want them to that I need to give it over to God and he will take care of the rest. Thank you for being such an inspiration. Also, babiesrus.com has a lot of preemie onesies and sleepers so you might be able to find some stuff there. Praying everyday, love you all- Amy
Hey Dana, so glad to hear that your boys are eating more and more. And their personalities definitely will begin to shine more and more as they grow.
About the preemie clothes - we were the same way - we a ton of 0-3 mos clothes and up but no preemie. Babies R Us is probably the best place to find preemie clothes. We went there and bought a lot when the girls were in NICU and they wore them for months. I also found some at Wal-mart & Target too
Your message came at just the right time for me too! We ALL need to focus more on our blessings and not on what is going on in other people's lives!
I am off today, but when I get back to work tomorrow I will check at Belk for preemie sleepers. We usually carry them (just not a huge selection).
Take care....we are still praying!
Precious pictures... and I am so glad they are continuing to do well. I too have one that is extremely stong willed and one that is easy going and pretty laid back, but beware, at times they can switch on me!
As for the preemie clothes, you may want to check out some local consignment shops, most of mine were given to me by friends and family when we were in the throes of all that you are in, so I did not go out and look for any, I do know that some of the outfits came from The Children's Place in the Galleria... hope that helps some!
I have added a prayer room on my blog which links to a new blog that is just for prayer. I have included your boys on there for prayer, I hope you do not mind...
Dana and Rob,
My name is Tommy Ray and I am the pastor for children at Clearwater Community Church. I am at Brookwood today because our pastor's wife, Kathy Harris, is delivering. Anyway, Chris told me that y'all were here and directed me to your blog. I wanted you to know that I have been encouraged reading about the great work of God in your two little boys. I actually checked the NICU to see if y'all were there but they said you were out. But I just wanted to let you know we are praying for you and John David and James Daniel. We praise God for His miracles!!
God will use the different personalities of your boys to encourage and grow the other one. Of this I am sure..God has great plans for these miracle boys! Praying for your entire family.
Hey Dana,
I am a sorority sister of your sister in law Katy and just thought I would suggest Target for preemie clothes I thought I saw some there. Also the brand Little Me runs small so if you found 0-3 mths in that brand it might fit like preemie clothes. Hope this helps. Take Care and Praying for your baby boys. :)
I just wanted to drop you a note in addition to all of these other great folks and tell you that a few months ago my best friend had her daughter at 30 weeks and I bought her daughter some clothes from www.preemiesrus.com. My friend said that they fit really well. They even have clothes specifically made to go around all of the monitors and stuff. I just thought I'd add that. I am so thrilled with the way things are going with your boys. I love reading your blog.
Rob and Dana,
My name is Beth Furr. Rob you would know me as Beth Wood, I am Eric Woods little sister (from Center Point Ballpark)
I have been keeping up with how things are going with your precious babies.
Our family experienced the NICU at Brookwood when my nephew (Eric's son) was born at 26 weeks - Brookwood was apart of our lives for almost 3 months. Lawson is now 3 years old and doing great.
We have some premie clothes that we would love for you all to have for the boys. I didnt know how to get in touch with you, but to post this on your blog.
You can reach me at Beth.Furr@yahoo.com
May God Bless you as you care for your precious miracles from God!
Beth Furr
Hi! I'm Rhonda and I am a friend of Courtney Snuggs (we work together) & I found your site linked on her blog. Just wanted to let you know I am enjoying reading up on your boys! I had a 30 weeker on Sept. 26th after my water broke unexpectedly. I understand the ups and downs of "NICU" life! My son Luke was at St. Vincent's NICU for 6 1/2 weeks and we got to bring him home on Nov. 12th. He was 3lbs. 13 ozs. when he was born and dropped down to 3lbs. 7ozs. I was thrilled with every little weight gain! Every day brings something new and I know how tough it is for them to be at the hospital, but I also remember feeling reassured because Luke was in such good hands and was being watched and monitored 24/7! About the preemie clothes...I really just got most ours at Wal-mart. I have to warn you - Luke stayed in his preemie clothes for only like a month and a half!! He chunked up really quickly! I was not able to breast feed, however, so he was getting (and still is getting) a high calorie formula. As of last Monday his weight was up to nearly 14 pounds!! WOW!! I hope your boys get nice and chubby! I will keep checking for updates! If you are interested in Luke's story, check out my blog! rhondaandtom.blogspot.com
Rhonda Smith
We got some preemie things because we were on alert that Magda may be arriving early, but since we are surpassing the 37-week mark Saturday, I think she may be too big for them when she gets here. Of course most of them are terribly girly, but I will go through & pull out anything that looks gender-neutral!
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