Getting ready to leave.

In the car seats, snugged and ready to go home!

Here are some really happy sisters. When we rounded the corner of the kitchen, Mamaw had them all sitting on the couch waiting for their brothers to arrive. When they saw them, all three girls jumped up and came running towards them. Very sweet moment for our family.

Claire holding BOTH boys. What a special moment for her.

WOW~ We are really out numbered now. The Pate Family of 7!

Brothers ready for bed. Both snuggled in their swaddle blankets (thanks Leslie, they are perfect!) and ready to go to sleep.

We finally arrived at home tonight about 8:00pm. What a journey...
Yes, I cried..my heart quivered as I walked out of the NICU carrying two precious 4 lb baby boys. I was in complete awe! All I could think of was how in love I am with these boys; And also the love God has for HIS people. To think He gave his SON up for death only so we could be saved by HIS grace, and live eternally with HIM one day.... wow! As much as I love these baby boys, God loves them more, loves me more, loves you more! Amazing!
So, I have to thank God for every single detail of this entire experience at Brookwood Hospital. We received amazing care, the boys as well as myself. We witnessed prayers being answered on a daily basis. The NICU doctors and nurses were superb. Dr. Strange, Dr. DiCarlo and Dr. Mena saved two precious miracles through the Power of GOD. I know in my soul, these babies are true miracles and I thank all three doctos for their role in the specialized care of our boys. We had some amazing nurses as well. Our boys will grow up looking at pictures and hearing stories of their first 49 days of life in the Brookwood NICU! Joy, Annette, Susie, Heather, Amanda, Janette, Scott, Tara, Emily, Crystal; all completely loving, nurturing, patient and kind to our boys on a daily or nightly basis. They were there to love and nurture them when I couldn't. As much as my heart ached each night to say goodbye to them, it truly meant so much to me that they were there to love on our babies through the days and nights; that a special nurse (one blessed by God) was there to care for them. Sure it is their job, but you can tell through their compassion that it means a tad bit more than just a pay check. Living the NICU experience, where you see very sick babies come and go, some make it and some don't, all are there because they are in need of specialized care, really makes you stop and evaluate the fragility of life. I have a new perspective on life for sure after this whole experience. Living daily through a pregnancy that had the possibility of ending in tragedy at any minute of the day, to the uncertainty of the health and well being of our babies, whether they would make it or not, has brought new meaning to the "little things in life"!
I will never be able to thank all the family and friends and even strangers we don't personally know for the prayers that were said for our miracle babies. It is such a humbling feeling to know others care about your babies and talk to the Almighty God on their behalf. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly do thank you all.
I will do my best to update how the boys are doing each day, if not every other day. I am sure I will have my hands full for a while...maybe 18 years or so! Ha Ha!!
Yay,Yay,YAY! I love homecomings!
Blessings are even MORE wonderful when the recipients RECOGNIZE they have been blessed!
Enjoy having your precious family all together on this first full day~ We ♥ you,
Roy and ELisabeth
How wonderful! Congratulations!
We are so excited for yall!
Beth & TJ Goff
What a miracle! I am so happy for you and your family. Now you can see the boys anytime you want to, yes! God is so good- he gave you two wonderful boys and the strength and faith that you have is unbelievable. You have a lot of great support of friends and family. I hope that you stay blessed and keep your wonderful faith. We think of you often and pray for you great family!
Love to you
Lisa, Todd, Cooper and Kyle
CONGRATULATIONS!! I have truly enjoyed reading your blog and will continue to pray for you as you adjust and care for two fragile little boys and three precious girls. Best Wishes!
Yay! What a blessing! I know you are cherishing every moment!
Congratulations!! I know you are so excited to have them home! I join you in giving God the glory for all He has done for your boys and your family!
Awww...SO happy that James and John David are home with Mommy, Daddy, and their big sisters! I love the picture of them swaddled and ready for bed. The one on the right looks like he has a sweet little smile on his face. He knows he's home.
I can't wait to hold them and spend some time with the Pate family!
I am so excited! I love the way Jenna is checking them out in the picture- too cute! Claire looks like she just can't get enough of them. Please let me know if you need me to do anything- Love you all! Amy
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