Daddy and the girls getting ready to slide

Mommy and Ellie Bug

The birthday girl proud of her fudge brownie with fudge icing ($2 brownie mix way cheaper than a $50 birthday cake....HaHa!

Here's my whole family...Daddy, John David, Ellie, Claire, Jenna, Mommy, and James

Also, this past weekend, I was blessed to be able to spend the night with Katie Willoughby (my friend from the NICU that delivered twin girls, Libby and Maggie) Libby passed away a week after birth due to a brain bleed. Maggie was scheduled to come home about a month ago and the final three days (when the baby moves to a crib), she got NECK (a terrible intestinal bacteria) After the doctors got it under control, she contracted meningitis. Katie told me last night that the doctors didn't think she was going to make it. She had to go back on the respirator, start major strong antibiotics, stop all feeds, and ended up with a central line because all of her veins used for IV's and picc lines had blown. She was so very sick. Little Miss Maggie is a fighter and I am thanking God today for her precious little life. She definitely has a purpose to be in this world. She was due March 20th and just arrived home last Tuesday, April 21st. She is beautiful, a head full of black hair, and weighs 6 pounds now. Please keep Katie, Taylor and baby Maggie in your prayers please. Pray for Katie's strength and Maggie's health. Pray the Maggie will thrive and grow healthy and Katie and Taylor would be strong to endure the ups and downs ahead. And of course, thank HIM for creating her in the most perfect way and blessing Katie and Taylor with Miss Maggie Root!
Lastly, this week I am scheduled to go to the beach with my three best friends. We are due to leave Thursday and return Sunday. I have several volunteers planning on helping my family out. Linda Templin, Maggie Dunaway, Christy (my amazing neighbor), Donna Gove, Maddie Cleary and Lee Fogle. I am so thankful for their friendships and their willingness to help me. I am looking forward to some quiet time away. I am taking my swimsuit, a t-shirt, toothbrush, journal, chocolate, and my Bible. I am going to spend some really good quality time reading, writing, and meditating. Please keep my dear husband in your daily thoughts.
1 comment:
Have a wonderful getaway!! I can't wait for mine in June! And FYI, I know Maggie Dunaway, we went to college together... small world!
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