John David cooing at me and Claire while we watched American Idol. What was funny about this picture is before we sprawled him out on the floor, he was screaming...not hungry, already burped and threw up, just awoke from a long nap...sooooooooo what else to do??? We put him on the floor and he started smiling and cooing and looking around. Go figure!

This is James being bounced up and down by Daddy. When the boys get fussy at night, this calms them down quickly, the love it!

James Daniel in the bath. He fits perfectly in Daddy's sink. Rob had to snap this picture quickly because they HATE the bath!

Today has been a great day...it is April 1st and that means RSV season is OVER! Praise God these miracle babies made it through the season without getting RSV. I actually took them out ALL day today. We had a blast...we'll I had a blast, they just joined along for the ride! We started at the YMCA at 8:00 (Mommy has a long way to go to get back to pre-pregnant shape). A great friend, Kristen, offered to keep them in her office in the front but I ended up putting them in a corner of the baby play area because they were the only babies there. The boys both slept the entire time I worked out. Left from there and went to Target. Shopped for 3 hours (give or take 30 min. I had to stop and breastfeed in the dressing room!) I haven't been out much with the boys, but when I do go out, we are usually stopped a couple of times by strangers who love to question me about the boys. It is usually comments like: "Oh goodness do you have twins??" or "Oh can I see, are they identical??" It doesn't take long before I start in on the WHOLE story of their miraculous birth. I almost feel honored to brag about our amazing GOD and share what HE did for these babies in our lives. People are quick to praise me for all I am doing to be raising 5 children, two of whom are twins, but I am quick to correct...I do nothing without my strength HE gives me.
I was stopped by three sweet mommas in the little girls department today, as they wanted to see the boys. It didn't take long before I was sharing our story. I think that is what God wants me to do. When I was going through the fire, I thought of the profound stories that were told to me. Stories of hope and faith and love of a mighty, gracious God that worked through others to reach me. I vividly remember Gary Sexton's story of his first born child who doctors said may possible not survive. Misty Goss Burdett's little boy who had some type of rare blood disorder that doctors thought would take his precious little life. Mika Cornwell Shelfer, who lost her beautiful baby girl Layha, delivered at 23 weeks.
SO many other friends who have shared their faith through turmoil. I am going to start posting the scriptures from my scripture wall in the hospital each post. It meant so much to me to have my dearest friends and family share with me their favorite scripture in time of despair so I want to share it with all of you. I ask that if you know someone who needs lifting up or if you need it yourself, copy it down, pray over it, stick it on your fridge, commit to memorizing it, e-mail it to a friend who needs to hear it.
SCRIPTURE: "Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!" Psalm 66:5
This is my favorite one from my hospital stay. The first week I was there, I was given a book from Claire Caldwell (precious lady I work with at OMIS) and it was called Divine Moments...I opened it at random and this was the verse I turned to. It spoke volumes to me. The question posed was, "Does God still perform miracles today?" I knew at that moment that God was going to perform a miracle with these baby boys. I just knew it, felt it deep in my heart. I would love to hear about the miracles in your lives as well. If you have one, share it with me. I LOVE to read about what God has done in the lives of HIS faithful people!
We should have met up - we got out & shopped at Brookwood yesterday!
Two moms with MOMO twins - what a sight we would have made!
Great pictures of your cuties!
Be sure to check out my blog - I have 2 giveaways going on right now!
It was such a joy to meet you yesterday; your story truly impacted me! He truly is an amazing God!! From one of the Target Mommies:) Claudia
Let's see. I have plenty of praise for him but here's just a couple. He protected me and Joseph by getting us out of the house before the tree fell on it (Joseph had just been sitting at his table drinking hot chocolate 10 mins before the whole roof colapsed on his table).
He gave me two incredibly sweet moments with my dad only months & weeks before he died. I will be forever grateful for that.
He is such an amazing Papa that loves us more than we will ever comprehend.
thank you for sharing your life and walk with Christ with us.
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