James waiting his turn to eat in the car Friday. We went to the gym, hair salon, Kohl's, and Party City. He was such a good boy.

Friday night we enjoyed an evening at Heardmont Park in Oak Mountain. Claire is playing softball this year for Oak Mt. and the park had their opening ceremonies Friday night. Chick-Fil-A, parade, moon bounce inflatables, playing with friends all proved to be a great idea until I asked Rob what time is was and he said 7:57pm...Boys eat at 8:00 (EVERY SINGLE NIGHT at 8:00 you can guarantee they'll want eat) We parked a mile away, so I after I trekked all the way back to the van, I took the boys and Jenna home early while Daddy stayed later with Claire and Ellie. He said they played on the inflatables and had a super great time.
Going to the Oak Mountain Youth Baseball/Softball opening ceremonies. If you think it is a challenge to get the whole family to an outing as such...you are correct. It is very challenging to get us all there. It took me exactly one hour from start to finish to get us all ready to meet Daddy at the ball fields. Feed the boys, change everyone clothes, wipe Jenna and Ellie down, change the boys, everybody potty, grab snacks and drinks for the road, double check to have diaper bag, load all 5 kiddos into the van and drive to the fields.

Saturday was Claire's first game. The whole family attended and enjoyed watching Claire and her teammates. They have a long way to go, but did great considering they have only had 3 practices. They lost their game, but Claire said she had a grand time. It is definitely hard to keep Jenna occupied, watch Claire, keep an eye on Ellie, feed the boys in the van all within the hour of being there. I actually had a guy pull up next to my van while I was nursing the boys and motion me to move the stroller out of his way so he could park next to me....I tried to wave him on, but he was persistent in wanting to park in the space right next to mine (regardless of the fact that there are plenty more spaces available further on down). I finally had to roll my window down to confront him, he said, "Can you move your stroller so I can park" (of course he said it with such a bad attitude) so I kindly responded, "NO, I CAN'T..I have two babies on my BOOBS right now!!!!" He rolled his eyes at me and drove off...
Daddy pushing his boys in their stroller at big sister Claire's softball game.

Jenna before her party started...she had been singing Happy Birthday to herself all morning.

My family...Me, Rob, James and John David, Claire, Ellie, and Jenna, the birthday girl!

Jenna enjoying her "geen" cupcake!

Papa holding both boys together. James on the right and John David on the left.

Jenna riding her worm that Nana got her. Her buddy Jacob was pushing her around all over the basement, it was too cute.

Jenna playing in her sand/water play table that Mamaw and Papa got her. This will keep her busy for hours. She LOVES to play in water and dirt!

Saturday night my precious husband took me out to dinner for my 30th birthday. We dined at Daniel George in Mt. Brook. It was amazingly beautiful and the food was incredible. My mother-in-law (Mamaw) kept ALL FIVE KIDS by herself. She is crazy...but mostly crazy about our kids, and I appreciate her so much. It had been so long since Rob and I had a really nice dinner together.
Sunday was little Miss Jenna Kathryn's birthday! She turned 2 years old Sunday. We had a blast. She had a Strawberry Shortcake "jumpy fing" and pizza and cupcakes. Her best buddies came to celebrate with her. It was a wonderful, fun time to spend with our family and closest friends.

Scripture from my wall:
Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is YOUR faithfulness." Lamentations: 3:22-23
This scripture was sent to me by a great co-worker and friend, Laura Wolf. She and her son battled cancer and SURVIVED. Great verse no matter what you are going through that may be tough.
Hey girl! Sorry I have been disconnected lately. I have to comment on the first picture- only because I can. Seeing that We have pretty much the same line up :). How funny that you have a motorhome ever so slightly in the background. I make jokes all the time about how the Wilder's need a motorhome to get everywhere. I think now that the Pate's need one too!
I check your blog daily for updates and have thoroughly enjoyed hearing your updates. You continue to amaze me and inspire me!!!!!
Lauren Horton Raciborski
Oh my gosh! I love you! You make me laugh. I am so proud of you for being blunt with that guy. You are an amazing woman with a wonderful family. I have to say it is so cool to see Dr. Pate in a new light. He's a great dad.
I love the Strawberry Shortcake party theme! You know she was always my favorite! I am so glad that you and Rob got to go out alone- I am sure that was a well-deserved break. You are amazing! Thanks for listening the last few days. Keep praying. Love you girl!
Love the story about the rude guy - I mean Seriously!!! Other than the guy - it sounds like you all had a busy weekend but very fun!
Hey! I just wanted to say thanks for your sweet comment. Everything we go through in our life can be used for His glory. I could never console a mom who lost a baby, had I not been there. You could never minister to moms of multiples who were born with a rare condition and survived, if you hadn't walked it. I'm so proud of you for continuing to nurse. I wish all moms knew the importance of nursing our sweet babies. The boys wouldnt look as fat and healthy without their momma's good nutrients! Keep it up. Maybe we can get together soon.
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