All the Pate Kids!

Boys all bundled up. Under those big blankets they had on their footie pj's and their swaddle wraps, a hospital blanket wrapped around their torso's and the big blanket on top. They LOVED the stroll!

The easiest picture to take...Claire!

Ellie can't hardly smile for the camera without putting her hand on her hip and tilting her head..

I said, "Jenna can you smile for mommy..PLEASE" She is totally TWO years old. I have officially nicknamed her "Little Miss Challenge"

Also, Friday James had his final kidney ultrasound. The results were great. He has two perfectly formed, functioning kidneys with no fluid or abnormalities to report of. Praise God. Early on we were told that their was a possibility of him having kidney problems and then in the NICU the ultrasounds they performed several times showed fluid on both kidneys. As of now, they are perfect- NO CONCERNS!!! YAY! People remark all the time that God has been so good to these boys and I always respond..SO very GOOD!
Love to all and Good night!
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