Picture before putting them in the bath. I didn't get any pictures of them in the bathtub...Daddy had the video and I was trying to keep two hands on each of them at all times.

Seconds after getting out of the tub. NOT happy boys!

So tonight was the first "real bath" in the bath tub...pretty sad that these little guys are approaching 4 months and have just been introduced to the bathtub. SO how did they like it...NO SO MUCH! James did better than John David. They both flipped around like wet fish and fussed the entire time. The SCREAMS came after we got them out. James even turned a fair shade of blue from holding his breath crying so hard....that freaked me out totally!
Also, my sweet Claire Bear has been home from school the past two days with really high fever and stomach UPSET..yuck! The boys started with the sniffles and some congestion Monday morning. Of course I am not surprised since last Sunday was Jenna's birthday party and we all know how clean and germ free toddlers are... ha ha! The boys were exposed to LOTS of kids and people on Sunday, so it could be a cold from new germs or possibly just allergies. Nonetheless, I want to tuck them back into their bubbles...but Rob continues to tell me that they need their immune systems to be challenged a little bit and I need to let them out of their bubbles...."whatever!" I have already said it once before so let me repeat myself...I AM GOING TO BE A TEENSY BIT OVER PROTECTIVE of these baby boys.
I am enjoying my time home with them so very much. Every morning I still stand in AWE as I watch them wake up and nurse and drift back to sleep...it is truly special time for us and I will never forget these moments. I vaguely remember the "staying home" time with the girls but this time around I am savoring it. I am due to go back to teach in the fall...(Don't ask me how I intend to manage that one, I still haven't figured it out!) I am excited to have my girls home with me for the summer. I have already begun storing and organizing activities for us to do together. It does get expensive buying three of everything. Three paint sets, three canvas, three bubble sets, three pair of goggles..etc! But nonetheless, I am overjoyed to be able to spend the summer with my girls!
Please join me each morning (as many of you check the blog in the morning) and say an extra prayer for a precious baby girl named Madison who is fighting for her life in the UAB NICU. I have had her listed on the prayer request the past month. She has a long way to go and it is truly a miracle that she has survived thus far. She was born 1 pound and was only 11 inches long. Her mom and dad and big sister love her and pray for her constantly. I know this because I watched my family do the same for our boys. I received an e-mail with an update and here is what Cindy, Madison's mom, wrote:
As I sit at night with Madison at the hospital, I have some peacefully time to think and pray. I know I am not where I want to be with God. My relationship has grown over the past year. I know that through these past couple of months I have not only learned more about medical issues, but I have also been growing in my relationship with God. Don't get me wrong, I have questioned him over the past couple of weeks. Some days are better than others. I have been warned by the doctors since February that this is a big roller coaster ride. Madison will have us up late at night and we need to rest as much as possible. Even though we received plenty of warning of how traumatic this would be, we had no idea. On Thursday, as I sit with Madison, I saw this frightened woman being pushed into the RNICU by one of the nurses. She was getting a tour before she delivered. She was expecting twins and was 25 weeks and 1 day. I looked into her eyes and saw myself a little over a month ago. I offered her to meet Madison. She refused because she was afraid to look. It is very traumatic to see a baby so small. She broke down in tears and was pushed away. She delivered less than 24 hours later. I met her again tonight. I told her the biggest piece of advise that I have heard. Love every minute that God has given you with your baby (babies in this case). It is a precious gift and if we are not careful, the bad things blind the good things. I know all of you probably don't want to know this story, but this is a way that I can relate to you all. I tell all of you about how Madison is doing medically. I hope you all want to know how Madison is effecting everyone spiritually.
As for the medical update... She is still on CPAP and doing good. She weighs 1lb 7oz and is actually crying now. She has blue eyes and loves to lay on her belly. As you all may have seen, she has a full head of hair. She is not on any fluids, and is making progress with her feeds. Jordan loves her baby sister. She reads books to her (or tries), and kisses the isolet. I can't wait to be able to hold her like a healthy baby would be held.
(From Cindy Sprich, Baby Madison's mom)
Verse from my hospital wall:
"That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that HE is able to guard what I have entrusted to HIM." 2 Timothy 1:12
This verse was sent to me from my dear friend Carla Dudley. She and I teach together and during my pregnancy she was such a prayer warrior for me and lifted me and our boys up in prayer often. I love this verse. No matter what you are suffering through, it says the HE is able to guard you or your situation once entrusted to HIM.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing with us about your friend's baby girl... I will pray for her.
Do not worry about people thinking you are crazy about germs... I carried a can of lysol and clorox wipes with me everywhere I went. I sprayed down shopping carts everywhere, wiped down high chairs and tables, anything they could touch I sprayed or wiped - and they rarely got sick! So it works and it is definitely worth it!
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