So I am finally at the point of packing my bags for my girls beach weekend. I really can't believe I am actually going to be spending three nights and four days vegging out on the beach with my best buddies. I have NEVER been on a beach trip with "JUST THE GIRLS"...I told Jenna's teachers today that the last time I had been to the beach for just "rest and relaxation" was my honeymoon TEN years ago. So now that it is time to really pack up and prepare to leave, I am wondering if all the effort (IT IS A LOT OF EFFORT) in organizing my family to survive while I am away will be worth it....um....YES! I believe so. Here is the plan:
Thursday morning: Rob will attend Claire's "talking zoo" performance, take Jenna and Ellie to school. My precious neighbor, Christy and my totally "supermom" old roommom from a couple of years ago will be taking care of the boys throughout the day. Daddy will return home about 4:00 (taking off early for me..thanks hun!) and Mamaw will be picking up Claire, Ellie, and Jenna. Darlene (a.k.a. Mamaw) will more than likely help Daddy with afternoon routine, as you can imagine, it is completely crazy. Claire is suppose to have a softball game Thursday night, but I can't forsee how to get her there and back home without total disarray, so she might be missing ONE game. Friday morning, Mamaw will take the girls to school, Daddy will wait with boys until Linda Templin, Maggie Dunaway, and Kelly Hazelwood come to his rescue. They will be taking care of the "miracle babies" that day. The girls will ride to Lee Fogle's house where Jenna stays and wait their until Maddie Cleary picks them up and takes them to her house until Mamaw get there to pick them up and bring them home. Daddy will take off early again and arrive home by 4:00 to relieve our sweet friends. Saturday should be interesting, Claire has cheerleading registration at 8:00am, a game at 1:45pm. Mamaw will swap the girls for the boys on Saturday and then probably reverse the swap mid-afternoon. The girls will spend the night with Mamaw Friday and Saturday night to allow Daddy total concentration with the boys. Don't even get me started on the preparation of over night bags and diaper bags for the visits to and from Mamaw's house. (sigh)...Are you tired yet???
Alot of work on behalf of a lot of selfless, loving people is the only way I am able to go on my trip. I am truly appreciative and plan on having a much needed quiet time, as I rejuvenate myself to come back and continue to love and nurture, teach and impact all the precious little people in my life God has allowed me to be "Mommy" to.
Oh My! You are one organized woman - a sign you are a twin momma!
Have a great time! And every mom needs a break so enjoy yourself! Rob will handle it!
Yes, I am tired just reading your post! Girl, you are aMAZing! Of course, your deep faith in God is one of the reasons you have been, are being, and will be the great mom that you are.
ENJOY the beach! If you'd like some good (ha) reading material, I can send along some research papers. LOL
Enjoy every minute of your getaway! And eat some good seafood!!
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