Ellie and Jenna in charge of breakfast (well, not really but they did stir and mix the batter) Ellie was so happy, she kept saying, "Can I lick my fingers Mommy?", and for those of you who know her well, aren't surprised that she would want to lick pancake batter off her fingers.

Pancake morning! Yay! The special treat was syrup...we don't usually get to have syrup during school week!

Claire creating a story book, called The Ooh La La Sisters!

Jenna picking flowers after her special day with just Mommy and Daddy. Her favorite part of the day was the wagon ride with Daddy. Priceless memories to keep forever.

Ellie (a.k.a. Adventure Girl...on a mission to save the world from dangerous popcorn that comes alive and attacks pretty girls!) Not kidding...that is what she was doing..fighting the popcorn. BTW- she is NOT our typical child.

I am secretly happy that the girls will all be going back to school Tuesday, so I can resume my leisure days of domestic responsibilities and of course loving on sweet baby boys! I will however be a bit sad that the girls will not be here with me to lounge in the bed and watch morning cartoons, or make pancakes together, or dress up and play "Adventure Girls"! But it won't be long before we have summer break to enjoy together. Yet again another reason to savor the moments you are in and not focus on the moments you don't have...whether it be the ones from the past or the ones you look forward to in the future! It is the wishing and wanting something other than what we have that takes us away from the "contentment" that God wants for us in our daily lives. I ran into a sweet friend today that reminded me of that simple fact...ENJOY where you are in your life right now.
James has surgery scheduled Tuesday and I would really appreciate any extra prayers for him. It is scheduled for 7am and he should be out by 9am if everything goes smoothly. He will have to stay 24 hours to be monitored.
To all of my sweet teacher friends out there...hang in there girls..only 9 weeks to go! I can't wait to re-join you all next year. I have missed you a bunch!
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