Daddy and the girls going to play in the snow.

Jenna Boo Boo

Ellie Bug

Claire Bear

The girls had the best time jumping on the trampoline with Daddy.

The girls were so excited to throw snowballs at Mommy. The deal was, take a good picture for Mommy and you can peg her with a snowball.

The boys did not have the wonderful opportunity to experience the snow. They stayed inside, bundled up in their fleece pj's. These fireman pj's they have on in this picture will probably be the last time they wear them, I can't snap the center buttons, for they are too long for them.

Jenna after the first time in the snow. She loved it, but told me she was "fee-zing". I wanted to take of picture of the snot caked all over her face, but her hair is covering it up.

I have been waiting a while to take this picture. It is the picture of all 5 of my precious children on their quilts that my dear Aunt Sybil made for them. Each time a new baby in our family was born, my Aunt Sybil would make them a baby quilt. The girls love to lay on them when they watch movies. I assured Aunt Sybil last time we spoke, how thankful I am for the quilts and she doesn't have to worry with ever having to make another one for our family again because our family is COMPLETE! We are most definitely DONE with having babies. Thank you again Aunt Sybil, the quilts mean so much to us.

Great pics! Can you believe it snowed in B'ham!?!?!
We had fun too! And it was so good to see you at the sale, I hope you enjoyed your time all by yourself! I know that is a rare thing :)
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