It was also fabulous to be completely ALONE for 5 hours without KIDS! It sounds terrible to say, but I am most definitely feeling the need for a break. I love my children more than my own life itself, but I can feel the demands of tending to and taking care of 5 small children starting to frazzle my nerves every once in a while. I want to be my best for all of my children all the is hard to do! So, in 32 days I am going to the beach with three of my best girl friends. I should be ready to tackle my job for the summer after my beach retreat. Taking care of these boys is such a full time job and then throw in three demanding little girls who need Mommy's attention and TWO HANDS almost all the time, and you get the recipe for frazzled nerves. I know God has give me a BIG job and I am honored, I am trying my best every day, and I know He will give me the strength to manage and succeed
SO the Friday night fashion show kept us are a few of the pics!
Someone paid a lot of money for this outfit, wore it a few times, and then sold it to me for 10$ in the Kids Market consignment sale. What a steal!

She is so goofy...ballet dancing!

When I saw this dress, I thought..."Wow, that dress is loud and crazy just like Ellie Pate!"

She is way too young to look so grown up!

Jenna sporting her bikini..fat rolls and all!

I may be a little biased, but she is so beautiful..inside and out!

Ellie...being Ellie...go figure! Look at her finger pointing in the air! She is so goofy!

It was hard for her, but she did step out on a limb and show a little shy child!

This dress was actually monogramed "ellie" and was her size...I think I paid 7 dollars..what a deal!

The boys slept through the entire show! Look at those forehead! Oh my goodness, do they look like little Rob Pates or what!

Wow! Great deals! I missed it this year UGH! Love the fashion show! And yes, your boys look like Rob. All of your children are so adorable!
You did very well. I totally forgot it was already here. I haven't had the chance to get to know Jenna and Elle yet, but I should do love that Claire Bear. She really does look a lot older. She is beautiful inside and out. You truely are blessed.
It was so good to see you and meet the boys on Thursday. It has been way too long!
Your family is so precious and I am really enjoying keeping up with you on your blog. We all need to get together more often and maybe next time the girls can come!
Hey! I just wanted to make sure you knew about this wonderful multiples blog -
I love the pictures! They all look beautiful!
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