John David hanging out on the back porch with Mommy while Daddy slept and the girls played.

James Daniel spending some time outside while the big sisters played.

So sorry I have not posted in the past few day. We have been extremely busy. My goodness I need extra hands and extra time in my days. This past weekend I was tending to the children and my husband. Rob had his "big boy" surgery Friday and was "healing" over the weekend. Claire had croup Thursday and had to leave school early. She stayed with Papa Friday while the boys and I took Daddy for his surgery. Our precious cousin Sam had his first birthday Saturday. He has to be the cutest one year old I know. After his party Claire, Jenna, the boys and I went shopping at Target. Ellie spent the weekend with her best buddy Emma Kate and we picked her up Sunday after church. We really enjoyed the beautiful weather this past weekend. Lots of outside play time.
Ellie driving Jenna around (oh, my dear, I can see it now...12 years from now...these two are going to get in so much trouble together!)

My sweet Claire Bear...posing for me because Ellie and Jenna wouldn't. I can't believe how mature she is becoming. Growing up way too fast!

The boys are growing like crazy. They are now in size one diapers. No more newborn diapers. They are still nursing every three hours during the day and can stretch from 11-6 through out the night. I really couldn't ask for them to do better than that for 3 months old. Their "awake" time is usually from 8-11pm. They rarely get a bath (just can't find the time..ha!) but when we do bathe them (on the counter,in the sink) they HATE it...scream and cry and flail their arms and legs. They act like typical newborns right now..love to be cuddled and snuggled. We are starting to get out and about more now and they sleep so soundly in the car ride to and from. I have even noticed that this past week they have been interested in their crib aquarium toy. They will listen to the music/nature sounds and watch the blue light. We are starting to get their room ready. I will post pictures once it is all done. Yes, I know, they are three months old and still don't have a room.
Today I went to Hobby Lobby to buy birth announcement paper (yes, I know...three months old and we haven't even sent a birth announcement) and the gentleman that checked me out asked about the boys. Of course I began to tell him the miraculous story. He said, "SO these babies are here because of the power of prayer, huh?" I also went to Publix today and shared the story with several cashiers when they asked about the boys. I am so proud to proclaim the greatness of God through these boys. One of the managers at Publix said to me, "Isn't God so good" and of course I responded, "ALL the time!"
So all the Pate's are doing well. We are thankful for it!
I will post more later. Right now, I am going to feed babies and then going to bed.
Dana, the new pictures are precious!!! You have the most precious kids!!!
Isn't it wonderful sharing your testament of God's work with everyone?!?!? I never get tired of telling others of His work!
So glad all is well, my boys hated baths too, and therefore I hated giving them a bath! Now they love them!
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