James Daniel on the left and John David on the right. Notice who is asleep and who is wide awake...

The precious nurse caring for James and John David tonight, told me she had twin girls that were 9 years old and they spent 88 days in the NICU at Brookwood, 9 years ago when they were born at 26 weeks....very comforting to know the nurse caring for our babies tonight has definitely "been there, done that before" in her own personal life.
The doctors and nurses that work in the NICU at Brookwood are incredible. We have found not only are they extremely skilled and knowledgeable, they are compassionate and patient and speak of the wonderful works of GOD. The respiratory therapist said tonight that the boys were doing so well with their breathing. I made mention of the many people praying for them and he said, "Well, it is definitely working!" I couldn't agree with him more. A former neighbor stopped by today and congratulated me on our recent delivery. She asked, with a grimace on her face, "Are they okay?" And I responded, with a smile on my face, "They are doing remarkably well because GOD is so GOOD and people from all around are PRAYING for them."
Thank you so much for remembering our boys in your daily prayers. It means so much to us.
Rob is sensing that I am probably being a teeny bit "over protective" of the boys and they are only a week old. He asked me if I felt different with them than the girls. Well, duh? Yes, it is totally different. There is a really good chance that I might be extremely over protective of them and they just might be an itty bitty bit SPOILT Rotten!
Dana - So glad to hear that James & John are doing great! They are absolutely adorable!!! And what a wonderful feeling to be able to hold them (I remember it like it was yesterday!)
The doctors & nurses are absolutely wonderful. I had an absolute favorite nurse and can not think of her name (but I heard she was over the nurses now). James & John are in good hands!
I will be continue to pray for these wonderful blessings!
They are so precious! And I agree with you that the staff there in the NICU at Brookwood is wonderful, we had nothing but excellent care while we were there.
I am so thrilled to hear the good reports and that God is answering the many prayers going up for your boys! God is definitely good!
We continue to pray for all of you!
Dana-I was so happy to see the updated pictures of the boys. They are precious! I have had a cold for several days now but once I am well I would love to meet you and see the little guys. I was telling Bill tonight that one day soon we would be watching your boys and our little Rob play football together! I know it must be so hard leaving them when you go home but they are in such great hands there in the NICU. And of course we know that God is watching over them and giving them strength. I can't imagine the mix of emotions you must feel but know that we are praying all the time.
Love, Lauren
Dana-James and John are so precious! Thank God for your wonderful doctors and you did such a good job carrying these guys. It sounds like they are fighters and doing very well. I know that this is a stressful time for you and your family and you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!! God picked such wonderful parents and sisters for these two little guys! What a wonderful Christmas gift you have been given!
Love, Melanie, Ben, and girls
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