John David


They are changing more and more every single day.
Noticed last night that James has a cowlick that grows towards the right and John David has one that grows toward the left. They look so much alike, and I had been reading about "mirror image" twins. Usually one can tell by looking at cowlicks, dental x-rays, and birthing marks. These boys look exactly alike. James is a bit peachy right now compared to John David because his billirubin is a bit higher, but other than that, they look like the same baby.
Both boys have been using the bathroom on their own without any problems. PRAISE!!! They are also eating right at 25 cc's (30cc's is 1 ounce). PRAISE!!!! Bottle feeding has not increased because they are struggling with that right now. They are working really hard to feed from a bottle (instead of the OG tube that goes to their belly). The doctors don't want them trying super hard to feed from a bottle and burn extra calories. So, until they prove to be really strong feeding from a bottle, they won't increase the number of bottle feeds. Right now it is just one feed per day. The other feeds go directly to their belly from the OG tube.
Tonight, we were able to see them in their first "clothes". Mamaw bought them their first preemie outfits. They look super cute in their puppy dog jammies.
I had a super great visit today with my three best buds from Auburn. Valerie, Tonya, and Noelle spent the day with me. We visited the boys and ate lunch together (Dale's Southern Grill...yummy country food) and spent some time together at the house chatting. They brought me two outfits with angel wings on the back, one says: Little Miracle and the other one says: Tiny Wonder. I can't wait to take their pictures in them. I will post pictures soon. I appreciate them coming up for a visit and spending time seeing these precious miracle babies.
Please continue to pray for safety and health right now. Especially growth as they are trying to gain weight, grow bigger and become stronger. Thank you all so very much for your daily prayers. Please remember to scroll down and remember the friends I have mentioned on the prayer wall. These dear friends need prayer right now. If you know someone else who needs to be prayed for right now, please email me at dana.pate@yahoo.com so I can post it.
Dana, so glad to hear the boys are eating almost an ounce. Every little bit of mommy's milk means so much. Keeping you all in our thoughts & prayers
They are so precious in their little outfits. I am dying to see them again. I pulled up their pictures and showed Sam and he was just grinning at them. I can't wait to see what 2009 has in store for these miracles. We love you guys!
Dana, I wanted to let you know that I posted a story about you guys on my blog. I wanted to share with my friends your story and they will praying for you all too
Hi--stopping over from Missy's blog. Your boys are so precious--I will be keeping all of you inmyh thoughts!!
We are still praying. I talk about those miracles so much that people are now coming into Belk and asking for updates! They are a topic at our morning sales meetings!
I love the bears, what a perfect gift. I really love, love, LOVE the cross! Can you find out where it was bought? In all of your free time?
Take care and have a wonderful New Year! Elisabeth
I heard about your blog through Missy's blog, Two Little Monkeys. Missy is my sister and as you well know your situation with your boys is very near and dear to our family's hearts. The boys are beautiful and it sounds like they are doing really well! I can't wait to hear the good news that they are coming home! You and your family are in all of our thoughts and prayers.
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