My amazing dad finally arrived from Utah, after a two day lay over in Las Vegas, and we have been busy with visiting him. The girls of course LOVE my dad and they are completely rotten when he is around. Oh well, we will allow some of it and just detox them after he leaves on Jan. 11. My step mom is on her way Christmas Day, so please remember her, Rose, in your prayers to get here safely. We also had my Great Uncle Charlie and Aunt Edna from LadyLuck, Florida stop by for a visit as well. Rob and I had an opportunity to Christmas shop (start and finish it ALL) two nights ago. Thanks Dad for babysitting all three girls! We were on a rampage through Justice and Wal-mart, I wish you could have seen Rob pick out Claire's new wardrobe at was really cute watching him! Rob had a birthday yesterday, December 21st, and turned 30 years old.. We had a surprise party for him at Cosina Superior and our family and close friends were there to wish him well as he enters the new decade! So, with all of the excitement around the house, I have not updated like I should.
Daddy's Birthday Cake! Happy 30th Daddy!

Daddy with all of his girls at his birthday party!

14 ounces of milk~ from this morning pumping session!

I think it was a record for me. Just for some perspective, it takes about 80 cc's to equal 2.5 ounces. So I am making about 320 total combined cc's at an average 3-4 hour pumping session. The boys are taking a combined 10 cc's every three hours, so for one feeding right now, I am pumping 320 cc's and they are taking 10 cc's....TRANSLATION: MY FREEZER IS COMPLETELY FULL OF BREAST MILK! Rob has decided that we are buying a deep freezer for our Christmas gift this year.
Rob and I visited the boys tonight (before his surprise birthday party at Cosina Superior) and they looked pretty good. Both are becoming jaundice again, so they will more than likely be sunbathing tomorrow. James had to receive blood today because his count was low. They have both been having decelerations in their heart rates, but seem to recover on their own without doctor or nurse intervention. They have increased their feeds daily and are almost up to 5-7cc's. The goal at this point would be 18cc's. Brain scans will occur Monday morning, as well as a full report of blood work. Please be in prayer for their head scans to be clear, hemoglobin count to be up for James, And of course that they are both tolerating their feeds and will hopefully begin gaining some weight.
James sleeping after his lunch of 3cc's of breas milk!

John David sleeping after his lunch of 3 cc's of breast milk!

As Christmas Day approaches, I wish you and your family a wonderful, loving, memorable time together with each other. I pray for all of my sweet "blog followers" to be safe, healthy, and happy as we praise our Savior on His birthday. Don't forget Christmas morning, after the Santa rush, that you acknowledge our Savior on His birthday, maybe even sing happy birthday to HIM. We as a family do that, and even sometimes make a birthday cake for Jesus. This year will definitely be a memorable one for our family. Obviously we have so much to be thankful for as the end of 2008 approaches.
My heart is so full of appreciation to God for sparing the lives of these beautiful baby boys, for keeping them safe and healthy as they grow and develop in the NICU, for my family that worked together to take care of all of our family's needs while I was hospitalized, for all of our precious friends who have helped with meals and meal cards. I promise thank you notes are on the way, I just need a personal secretary that can scribe.
Please continue to pray for our miracle babies. Remember to always first THANK GOD for what HE has already done in their precious lives thus far. Thank you so much for your love and support and prayers daily.
Happy Birthday Rob! You look beautiful Dana! That is the CUTEST birthday cake I have ever seen! Those babies get more handsome every day! Dang, that's a LOT of milk! We're still praying! Elisabeth and Roy
Happy birthday, Rob. I celebrated 42 years yesterday. I knew there was something about you, other than being Phillip's brother, that I liked. :)
I'm praying for excellent reports on the boys.
Know you will remember this birthday because of two precious boys and 4 beautiful girls in your life. Happy Birthday, Rob.
Would also like to wish all of you Wonderful Christmas and a Great New Year!
Love & Hugs
Brenda Tribble
Merry Christmas! It was such a blessing to meet you at the hospital, I just love it when the Lord gives us Divine appointments!
We continue to pray for all of you!
Merry Christmas Rob, Dana, Clair Bear, Ellie Belle, Jenna Boo, and precious James and John David. Much love to you all!
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